I’m a relatively new to knitting (following actual stitches and patterns) and I am having trouble comprehending RS versus WS.
I understand what it means (Right Side and Wrong Side), but when it comes to following this as a direction. For example, directions for the knotted rib stitch read:
Row 1 (RS): P2, K1 f&b, P2
Row 2: K2, *P2tog, K2
But isn’t the first row the RS to begin with? And I’m using regular (not circular, single point) knitting needles, so I don’t know if this direction applies to me? Like, when I knit the first row, I have to turn my work around to knit the second row so would that be the WS? and if it is, then when I repeat r1 for the next row I turn my work again so it’s back on RS? How can a the first row of the stitch begin with: Row 1 (WS)?
I feel like this is one of those things that I’m reading way to deep in to, and I’m hoping someone could explain to me [I]how[/I] to knit/purl on the WS as opposed to the RS and vice-versa? Or point me in the right direction?
I would[I]really[/I] appreciate it!! Thanks!