Could someone help with this as I’m stuck
Now work piece in the round without turning. Continue to work as follows: A.1, A.2 24-26-29-32-36-39 times in total in width, finish with A.3. Work the first 7 rounds of A.z. On 8th round in A.z (= tr-round) inc 6 tr evenly – READ INCREASE TIP = 163-175-193-211-235-253 tr. Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 25-27-30-33-37-40 times in width. When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 1-2-2-3-3-3 times in total vertically. Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 12 tr evenly = 175-187-205-223-247-265 tr. Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 27-29-32-35-39-42 times in width. On last round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly = 181-193-211-229-253-271 tr. Then work A.z over A.x (now work A.2 28-30-33-36-40-43 times in width). On 8th round in A.z inc 12 tr evenly = 193-205-223-241-265-283 tr. Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 30-32-35-38-42-45 times in width. When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 1-2-2-3-3-3 times in total vertically. Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly = 199-211-229-247-271-289 tr. Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 31-33-36-39-43-46 times in width. On last round in A.x inc 9-13-11-9-17-15 tr evenly = 208-224-240-256-288-304 tr. Then work as follows: A.5 13-14-15-16-18-19 times in total (A.4 shows how round beg and ends). Fasten off when A.5 has been worked 1 time vertically. Piece measures approx. 65-69-71-75-77-77 cm.