
Could someone help with this as I’m stuck

Now work piece in the round without turning. Continue to work as follows: A.1, A.2 24-26-29-32-36-39 times in total in width, finish with A.3. Work the first 7 rounds of A.z. On 8th round in A.z (= tr-round) inc 6 tr evenly – READ INCREASE TIP = 163-175-193-211-235-253 tr. Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 25-27-30-33-37-40 times in width. When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 1-2-2-3-3-3 times in total vertically. Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 12 tr evenly = 175-187-205-223-247-265 tr. Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 27-29-32-35-39-42 times in width. On last round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly = 181-193-211-229-253-271 tr. Then work A.z over A.x (now work A.2 28-30-33-36-40-43 times in width). On 8th round in A.z inc 12 tr evenly = 193-205-223-241-265-283 tr. Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 30-32-35-38-42-45 times in width. When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 1-2-2-3-3-3 times in total vertically. Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly = 199-211-229-247-271-289 tr. Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 31-33-36-39-43-46 times in width. On last round in A.x inc 9-13-11-9-17-15 tr evenly = 208-224-240-256-288-304 tr. Then work as follows: A.5 13-14-15-16-18-19 times in total (A.4 shows how round beg and ends). Fasten off when A.5 has been worked 1 time vertically. Piece measures approx. 65-69-71-75-77-77 cm.


What is your pattern? Where specifically are you stuck?

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I’m stuck on this whole piece that I’ve copied and pasted. Not understanding it all. It’s a drops pattern UK terms Lacey Days 162-27

What does it mean continue to work as follows. A1,A2 39 times in total in width. Tried looking it up on gathered, YouTube etc and can’t understand

I don’t know enough crochet to help but thought the link might be useful for others who crochet.

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Thanks. This is much simpler to deal with and seeing the pattern is for me necessary.

A.1, A.2 24-26-29-32-36-39

Work chart A.1 once then work A2 the number of times specified for your size. Note the comma after A.1 and no comma after A.2.

A.1 is different because it’s the bor. The punctuation in the instructions is somewhat confusing with all the periods adding to the visual noise IMO. it would be better to leave them out - A1, A2, etc.

I hope this makes sense. Others who are more adept at explaining - @OffJumpsJack comes to mind - will do better if this doesn’t do it. When you’re stuck if you could post just a short bit from the the pattern it would be helpful in figuring out where the problem lies since so much is superfluous to the immediate problem. In this case it was making sense of how to work the charts, how many times each, and why A.1 is worked once, as I see it. Figuring out the actual problem is a big step toward a solution. At least it is for me. YMMV

This is a beautiful pattern and I think you’ll enjoy it once it’s done and you’ll have added so much to your crochet skills with learning to use Drops patterns. Ravelry has project pages which may or may not be helpful. Above all, ask sooner rather than adding to your frustration trying to run down what you need. We do our best to help and feel good about it when we do.

I have proofread this post which means not a lot. I tried to correct errors and typos but won’t be surprised if there are more I didn’t catch. I might read it later and edit because I see them then.


Thanks but as I said previously. The whole thing I’ve posted is what I’m stuck with as I don’t know where to start, how many times must A1 be done and then A2 and finish with A3. Then there is Az, Ay and Ax as well. So it’s all confusing honestly. I was coming right until this big paragraph. That’s why I asked. I thought someone would be willing to help me.
This is obviously a place to ask and receive help so I didn’t mean to inconvenience anyone.

Thank you for trying appreciate it.

I think my head has finally stopped spinning. The paragraph in question verges on criminal in its complexity.
To begin, work chart A1 once, work chart A2 39 times then work chart A3 once.

If the directions are separated it makes it a bit easier. I’ve deleted all but the numbers for the last size and placed the stitch numbers in parentheses.

Continue to work as follows: A.1 once, A.2 39 times in total in width, finish with A.3 once.
Work the first 7 rounds of A.z. On 8th round in A.z (= tr-round) inc 6 tr evenly (253 tr.)
Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 40 times in width.

When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 3 times in total vertically.

Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 12 tr evenly (265 tr.)
Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 42 times in width.
On last round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly (271 tr. )

Then work A.z over A.x (now work A.2 43 times in width).
On 8th round in A.z inc 12 tr evenly (283 tr.)
Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 45 times in width.

When A.z has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.y over A.z 3 times in total vertically.

Then work A.x over A.y. On 2nd round in A.x inc 6 tr evenly (289 tr.)
Continue to work A.x as before but now work A.2 46 times in width.
On last round in A.x inc 15 tr evenly (304 tr.)

Then work as follows: A.5 19 times in total (A.4 shows how round beg and ends).
Fasten off when A.5 has been worked 1 time vertically. Piece measures approx. 77 cm.

Because of the increases in stitch number, the number of times that the A2 pattern is repeated will increase.

Many thanks to GG for suggesting the simplification of punctuation. Let’s see what Jack, the ultimate source has to say.


Aw thank you so much appreciate all your help. You’re amazing

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Thank you

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It’s a lovely pattern. If you run into more confusion, come back and ask. We would love to see the completed project1


My head is spinning even reading the explanation! I think I’d have to print that out and mark parts off or something to keep track!!
Too hard for me.

Good luck with the pattern, I hope it turns out to be enjoyable and not as complicated as it at first looks.


The only way I can work something like this is one row/round at a time with lots of colorful language. I understand how to follow the pattern, I am not good at explaining so I’m glad that got taken care of.


Beginning Of Round (bor)

The charts are in crochet symbols. That is a puzzle in itself for beginners. It is like a language in a different writing system!

It is late in my time zone (EST). I have tomorrow off, so I can help if it is needed.

I included some expansion on an abbr. Used by GG and the note on symbols. I can not read farther tonight. I hope @GrumpyGramma and @salmonmac or others have helped you get started. If not yet, then I will offer my help. Sleep well all.

Good night, good morning, good afternoon, good evening for where ever you are in the world.



Thank you so much

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DROPS patterns always seem to take a little extra effort to understand. Go through the entire pattern and circle or highlight the numbers for the size you are doing. In this case, maybe even cross out the sizes you aren’t doing. You might even copy/paste the directions into a doc and add some spaces, so it’s easier to read? And while you’re at it, you can cut out the sizes you don’t want. For example:
Now work piece in the round without turning.

Continue to work as follows: A.1, A.2 39 times in total in width, finish with A.3.

Work the first 7 rounds of A.z.

On 8th round in A.z (= tr-round) inc 6 tr evenly – READ INCREASE TIP = 253 tr.

Continue to work A.z as before but now work A.2 40 times in width.

I don’t know why it says “in total in width”… “work chart 39 times” would seem to be sufficient.

Best of luck, and do come back with any further questions!

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The 39 times in width refers to the number of times to repeat chart A2 in order to cover most of the circumference of the sweater. The “in total in width” seems to be a confirmation of this or a loose translation from the original into English. I agree that it seems redundant buuut we have had questions before about similar patterns and whether the number of times referred to height or width.


Gotcha. I guess it makes sense, then–I wasn’t taking into consideration the translation aspect, which could have been a bit clearer. And some brackets would help! Not to mention the line spacing. I know they’re trying to save paper for the printed version, but still.


I can’t answer crochet questions but I can comment that some Drops patterns say to rep chart x number of times vertically and some say in width, depending on the pattern.

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