Straight needles?

So I’ve just got my knitting magazine and seen this pattern and would love to knit for my grandkids but it’s knitted in the round and I only do straight needles. Could this be knitted on straight needles?

Yes, this could be worked on straight needles. They’ll need to be long enough to hold half the stitches required for the size you want. The yarn is also a bulky or super bulky which makes the circular needles more convenient but if you have long straights, it can work.
Cast on half the sts, increase 3sts to the given number for your size and work the front and back separately. The sleeves will be picked up along the side edges and can be knit flat instead of joining in the round.
You can consider adding an extra stitch for seaming although there is so much positive ease in the sweater that it’s no necessary.
What is the name of the knitting magazine please?

Thank you salmonmac it’s simply knitting, so I’m planning on the larger size which is cast on 110 so I would cast on 55 for back and front. I’m a little confused as to increase three stitches in your comment. Would this be as well as a extra stitch for seaming.

A bit further down in the pattern it has an increase of 6sts in the round. The pattern nicely gives the stitch total. You would increase 3sts each on front and back and again aim for half the given stitch total (58sts).
Yes this increase is part of the pattern. The extra stitch for seaming is because you are working flat instead of in the round. As I mentioned, it’s probably not necessary.KH2

Thank you I hadn’t read all the pattern yet

What great sweater! I’d love one of these.

You might onside a Bickford seam rather than mattress stitch as the yarn is so bulky as you can avoid getting a thick seam ridge on the inside. It’s not as nice looking as mattress stitch but might be better as it’s flat. Maybe try a swatch with both seams before you start to see which you want to use as you won’t need an extra stitch each side for seaming if you use the Bickford seam. Although as salmonmac has said, probably don’t need the extra stitch anyway as it’s got so much ease.
You might already mjow this seam but just incase here’s a video

One other thing, don’t forget when you get the instruction in rounds to knit a round, purl a round, you will knit every row as it I producing the garter edge section.

Thank you will have a look

This is a good seam to know but it isn’t the sturdiest seam. You might try it for the sides but it’s not good for shoulders or a seam that will take weight or stress. Good to have it in your techniques however.


Thank you something new to learn that’s what I love about this craft always new things and techniques to learn.


So I’ve started my project but I’m not sure how I figure the rest out stitch wise. So am I right in thinking when I divide for armholes I would just go to cast off 5 stitches. Then cast off remainder? It’s the shaping for neck to.

The pattern after the armholes is knit back and forth just as you are doing: first on the back 58sts then once the back is complete, on the front 58sts.

Since you’re knitting the back and front separately, you can mark the row where the pattern has the divide for armholes and just continue knitting back and forth until the armhole on the back measures 25.5cm ending having completed a purl row. Then follow the directions as given. Cast off 10sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows then cast off the remaining 18sts (58sts cast off).

For the front, work to 8 rows shorter than the back. At this point you’ll knit the left shoulder first.
Knit 21, k2tog, k1 and turn as you would at the end of the row. The sts remaining on the left needle before you turn can sit there and be ignored or you can slip them to a holder or waste yarn. You’ll get to them later.
Proceed with the remaining rows 2-4 and then work 4 rows with no decreases. Follow the stitch numbers (10sts) for the shoulder bind off.
There is a cast off of 10sts for the center neck and then the right shoulder is worked next. If you need help when you get to that, just let us know.

Thank you that makes sense thanks

I think Ive got myself muddled so I’ve knitted 51 cm,for the back door I need to carry on knitting 25.5 cm(back) and then shape the shoulders? As I’m not actually casting anything off the armholes.

Place a marker at the 51cm row. This can be a stitch marker or a scrap of waste yarn. You can actually mark each end of the row as it will help you later when you work the sleeves.
Yes, now knit in stockinette for a further 25.5cm then begin the shoulder shaping with the cast off of 10sts at the beg of the next 4 rows, the a cast off of 18sts.
You’re correct there is no cast off for the armholes, just a markers to let you know where the armhole would start.

Oh thank you your so helpful

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Glad to be able to contribute to this comfy hoody.

Finally finished thank you for all the help


That’s so cozy and adorable! Very nicely done.

So cute!

Thank you couldn’t of done it without you.

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