Stitch holders and sleeves

Hi everyone,
I’m quite new to knitting so it could be something very simple I’m missing. This pattern had me knit one sleeve whilst keeping the other unknitted. Now I’ve been instructed to place the completed sleeve stitches on a stitch holder and go back to complete the other sleeve. However, if I continue using the working yarn, there’s a string linking the sleeve diagonally across the neckline. It doesn’t say either to cast off, snip the yarn and start again with new yarn. Bit confused!

Teddy Bear Sweater knitted with Stockinette stitch- [ EASY Pattern & Tutorial ]

Welcome to KH and to knitting!
Nice tutorial for this sweater. You’ll need to cut the yarn strand leaving about 6 inches to weave in later. Attach the new end of yarn to the held stitches for the other sleeve. You can do this by holding about 6 inches of the yarn tail in your left hand alongside the left needle and starting to knit. After 3 or 4 sts you can drop the yarn tail and continue knitting. You’ll again use the yarn tail to weave in later. Don’t worry if the first couple of sts seem loose. You can snug them up by pulling on the yarn tail.

Hi salmonmac,
Thank you! I appreciate your quick reply. Your advice seems sound, I’ll give that a go :slightly_smiling_face: