SOS the edges rolled on my dishcloth

I completed a really cute dishcloth last night–its a cat paw print on background of stockinette. Beginning and end of each row has 3 knit stitches to form a kind of selvage edge. I used cotton yarn and size 8 needles. And dang it, the darn thing rolls up at the side edges. :mad: Bottom edges are o.k.-4 rows of garter stitch. Did I do something wrong? Maybe its suppose to do that? :rollseyes: Any thoughts?

Happy Knitting
a/k/a Denise

Hmmm :thinking:
I can think of only two reasons. 1. A three st border wasn’t enough considering the size of the cloth. 2. Do you knit really tightly?? :??

You might try crocheting an edging. That sometimes helps.

ekgheiy: Yep, I’m a tight knitter :frowning: --I have problems with my tension but its getting better-practice, practice, practice (I’m also highly strung, but that’s another story for another day-hehehehe :D)

Mrs. Bear87: :idea: Great idea. My mother is a crocheting pro-I’ll ask her to edge it for me. Thanks!

Happy Knitting!
a/k/a Denise

Stockinette rolls, garter stitch doesn’t. An edging should help clear that up.

Did you knit on both R AND W sides? The edges DO need to be garter…

Sometimes even a garter edge is not enough to control the eeeevil curling tendency of stockinette (spooky dramatic music goes along with that)

Unless it’s an extra small dishcloth, or an extra generous garter border, you may find it just wants to curl no matter what. :rollseyes: But then…it’s a dishcloth, so it doesn’t really need to lay perfectly flat does it? Just be glad it’s not a scarf! :wink:

Thanks for the info everyone. Every row, wrong and right sides, have the 3 knit stitches. Maybe if I increased the knit stitches to 6 at each edge that would help. :thinking: I think I just knit too tightly. Note to self: Repeat after me Denise–RELAX, Relax, relax! :pray:

I have started another one and am trying to pay much more attention to tension. So far so good–except I have to do a little frogging :frog: --messed up about 5 rows in and didn’t notice it until I put on about 5 more rows :doh: I should not try to knit with a pattern after a hard day at the office. I should stick with something simple like my ongoing 8-mile scarf!

Hey, Amy! Is there a chant, a curse, a spell, a hex, a prayer or something that can ward off the EVIL CURLING STOCKINETTE :twisted: ? Do we need to hold hands and sing?:angelgrin:

This is just sideways related to the original question here, but I’m confused about that exactly a dishcloth is?
Up untill very recently I’ve thought it was something like an oven mitten but then used to lift hot covers from your pans or to pick hot pots&pans from the stove, things like that. They look the right size for it aswell.
But then I ran accross the word “potholder” which fits much better for that last description.
Sooo; now I’ve decided that the potholder is what I was really thinking about and a dishcloth must be something else afterall…

Pff, every time I think I know plenty in English I come across something else :wink:


Oh and Denise: keep breathing in and out is a good way to tackle any problem :smiley:
Good luck on this second one; I hope it won’t curl up (as much) as the first one :slight_smile:

It’s a cloth that some people use to clean their dishes. It’s sometimes the same size or smaller than a wash cloth (facial), but is generally not as thick as a wash cloth.

Some people use a sponge to clean dishes, some people use a dish cloth. And there are others who use … THE DISH WASHING MACHINE.!! :rofling:

It’s a cloth that some people use to clean their dishes. It’s sometimes the same size or smaller than a wash cloth (facial), but is generally not as thick as a wash cloth.

Some people use a sponge to clean dishes, some people use a dish cloth. And there are others who use … THE DISH WASHING MACHINE.!! :rofling:[/quote]

:rofl: true :slight_smile:
I’ve never seen anyone do dishes with just a thin cloth but I’m sure it will work just as well. Down here we either use a sponge or a brush and ofcourse there are always lucky people who actually have a dishwasher machine!! I never cared for one because I never knew what I was missing but there’s one at my boyfriends and boy it is handy!!

It’s a cloth that some people use to clean their dishes. It’s sometimes the same size or smaller than a wash cloth (facial), but is generally not as thick as a wash cloth.

Some people use a sponge to clean dishes, some people use a dish cloth. And there are others who use … THE DISH WASHING MACHINE.!! :rofling:[/quote]

:rofl: true :slight_smile:
I’ve never seen anyone do dishes with just a thin cloth but I’m sure it will work just as well. Down here we either use a sponge or a brush and ofcourse there are always lucky people who actually have a dishwasher machine!! I never cared for one because I never knew what I was missing but there’s one at my boyfriends and boy it is handy!![/quote]

Oh I love that handy machine! And the Cascade for those machines always smell SOOOOoooooo gooood!! I seriously stand there for a couple minutes just smelling the stuff!! MMmmm… Anyhoooo … I prefer a dish cloth (I’ve also heard it referred to as a “dish rag” by some people) or a brush. I like the cloth because you can run it through the machine with the laundry to keep it fresh. I think sponges are a bid high maintenance in the keeping fresh-department, no matter how many times I soak/bleach/squish. :wall: :lol:

You know, that’s funny! My parents-in-law are from Holland originally, and she has this absolute fettish about buying us dish washing brushes. Something I had never heard of before I met dh’s family. I was used to washing dishes with a cloth growing up (the stuff that didn’t fit in the dishwasher, that is! :lol: ) but now I am a dish brush convert!


Quick update on my curled edges. They are no longer curled. :cheering: I accidently washed and dried the darn thing twice-- :doh: and like magic–no more curled edges. I had washed and blocked it earlier and it had curled edges. :?? Maybe it was the heat from the dryer did it. I don’t know. But HOORAY no curled edges now :happydance:

Let’s see a pic now that its been “through the ringer”!

Hey, Kelly! I’d love to submit a photo of the “magic dishcloth” but I don’t have a digital camera yet :crying: Maybe someday :pray: