Slippers wearing out too fast

I’ve made a few pairs of slippers for my SIL. I guess she loves them so much that she wears them all evening long every day. The yarn on the soles is starting to give out and unravel. Wondering what different solutions people have found to put on the bottoms of slippers (not slippery, but not a hard sole to ruin the soft cushy feeling). It’s just happening on the balls of the feet.:???:

I have seen leather soles for slippers at various LYS.

For my next set of clogs I am going to try rug backing to make them non skid. I wonder if it would help protect them from wearing out too.

How about some leather slipper soles?

What kind of yarn are you using? but I like the leather sole idea. You can usually sew them on so she still has yarn next to her skin.

Thanks for the ideas. I think I’ll try that brush on rug backing. It looks like it might be a good thing. I will report back. It seems like it might be similar to Fray Check, but heavy duty.

Rug backing works GREAT and you can add craft paint to it to make it any color you want:teehee: I use it on all the clogs I have made.

Felted slippers would have a thicker fabric, so they might last longer. And since the stitches are felted, they shouldn’t unravel if a hole is worn through. Felting would also create warmer slippers. Of course, you’ll need a different pattern or alter your current one enough to produce a large slipper to shrink to size.

I was going to make the same comment as the PP. If you make felted slippers they will hold up longer and not unravel. I make the Fiber Trends felted clogs and love the pattern. My niece is still wearing a pair I made her 2 yrs ago. They seem to be stretching with her foot. Double bonus - without tread on them she can practice dance on the hard wood floors.

I went to the mission store and bought a leather purse for 50 cents. then I cut a pad out for the heel and for the toe to about 3 inches back or more. I punched holes in the edges and stitched it up with fishing line. They are holding up well and don’t slip!

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