Slipper pattern has me confused!

I am knitting “Nora’s Mood” by Drops Design… I’ve only just started and I’m very confused…
The “Pattern” instructions (both on the round and flat) have me confused as it relates to “knit from the right side”.

Also now that I’ve worked the three ridges, I have to do the Stripes and pattern starting at the mid back (where is that?)

Once I know that I think I get the 12 sts garder st in stripes, then PATTERN over the next 27 sts which is the 4 round pattern, then 12 sts garter st in stripes.

I even tried going to Drops design website as they say there are 17 tutorials on how to do this pattern and I can’t find them… Any ideas?

Here I thought I was going to do a nice easy pattern.

Those are adorable!

Drops patterns tend to make some assumptions, as near as I can tell. They seem to think you can read their minds!

There’s not really any mid-back until you start the next section, so it’s right where you have ended the 3 ridges. Place a marker or bit of contrast yarn so you can keep track, then knit your 12 stitches of the Stripes pattern, followed by the Broken Rib, and 12 of Stripes, which brings you back around to your marker.

There is a link to the videos at the very top of the pattern page.

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The videos @ColoCro mentions don’t seem to be specific to this pattern.

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The flat knitting pattern is initially confusing as we don’t expect the instructions to have 2 consecutive rows on the right side followed by 2 consecutive rows on the wrong side, however, if you work a right side with the first colour and then do not turn but instead slide all your stitches to the other end of your DPN/circular needle you will work another right side row with the second colour.
On completion of 2 rows, turn. Now both yarn balls will be at the working end of the left needle and you can take the second colour and work row 3, the wrong side row. At the end of the row do not turn, slide all stitches to the other end of your needle, work row 4 a wrong side row, in the first colour. 4 rows complete and both yarn balls in the same place.
Turn to work the repeat.

Did you manage to find the videos?

No, the videos don’t mention anything about the broken seed st either in the round or on the flat. Although I get what ColorCro is suggesting and I get it as it relates to the flat… I also very much appreciate ColorCro’s info on where to start. Now if I could just figure out what “knit from the right side” meant…:thinking:. I did find a video in UTube, they were knitting a cowl and it seemed she was doing the first 2 rows in one direction, then literally turning the work around to do the next two rounds I think I get it! Here’s the link to the video I found that helped…

Thanks everyone! I may be back! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

“Knit from the right side” refers to the broken rib stitch pattern when worked over the instep. In this section covering the top of the foot, the directions are to work back and forth rather than in the round. You’ll have a RS/WS here.

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Understood! That’s what the person said in the video!!! Your yarn has to be on the right side, ergo turning the work after the first 2 rounds to keep your yarn on the right side!!! I get it!!! The flat is, as you said, back and forth so you’re turning the work in any event!!!

It’s amazing how simply changing the wording in the instructions can clarify. Salmonmac seems to be an expert at that! :wink:

I’m hoping to see a photo when you finish. The slippers look very pretty and cozy too.

I did it! As requested by Salmonmac, I am posting the first slipper. The next one should (hopefully) turn out the same. I didn’t go back and forth on the round, just kept going as my yarn was always on the right side. I did have to go back and forth on the flat, and that works out. Never did that back and forth before so it was interesting… However, I will say that I had a bit of confusion moving from the broken seed st pattern on the round to on the flat. Working on the wrong side the k1,p1 was actually a p1,k1. It took me 4 rip outs to figure that one out! Once I could see the pattern was the same I knew I was ok. Ergo the 4 rip outs! :rofl:. Anyway, on to slipper 2. Hopefully it won’t take me as long. Thanks to everyone for all your wonderful suggestions and help. You guys are the best…:hugs:


That looks great, the two colours I the stitch pattern look fab. We’ll done you for working it out and sticking with it, well worth all the undoing!