I am far into my knitting project and suddenly noticed in the middle of my work, a stitch has slipped over to my right hand needle without being worked leaving a big loop. I don’t want to tear the whole piece out. What can I do?
Slipped stitch
Did you just slip the stitch on that row or did you drop it and it hasn’t been worked since? If it’s just slipped you can ladder down and fix it with a crochet hook. If you dropped the stitch, you can ladder down the stitch next to the dropped stitch and work the two together as a decrease then increase somewhere in your current row.
The stitch was not dropped, it just slid over to the other needle and I didn’t catch it. I’m many inches above it now. This is the first project I’ve knitted in over 20 years and it’s a gift. I’ve never had to pick up a stitch before and I really don’t know how.
Then this is an easier problem to fix! As I said in the first reply, you’ll need to ladder down and then fix the stitch with a crochet hook. Watch this video or google “ladder down to fix mistake knitting”.
Nice video, sdgra!
What is the name of your pattern and designer, gumbo?
You might want to make a small swatch and use that as a practice piece for repairing the stitch several rows below.
Thank you so much!! So helpful, but a little scary for me but I’m gonna try it!
Good luck. The help and advice given here has been a life saver for me.
The way to look at it is if you try and it doesn’t work you’ll have to rip back, but you’d have had to do that if you didn’t try anyway
Here to cheer you on.
As has been said, fixing a stitch I scary but it’s a skill worth learning and trying it on a small swatch will help to practise before you tackle your main project and help build your confidence too.
Do you have a crochet hook?
I find a size a little smaller than my knitting needle is the easiest to use.
Hope it goes well for you.
If it’s too much to ladder down and fix then I’d take it as my wabi sabi https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/08/the-art-of-deliberate-imperfection.html
It worked!!! Perfect!! Thank you! (BTW, my son calls me “Gumbo”)
Great news!
Maybe you’ll post a pic when you’re finished, we love seeing knitting projects.