Sleeve too long!

Hiya, I have just set in my sleeves and tried my jumper on, and the sleeves are too long!!! :frog:
I have been reading how to shorten them, they were knit from the bottom up, in twisted rib, and the cuffs have decreases in them (they are bell shaped). I think that because of the decreases, I can’t rip a portion out and then graft back together.

Another option seems to be to unravel from the cast on edge, and then to double crochet the stitches to bind them off?
(I tried a normal bind off and it looked weird with the twisted rib.)
I used a size 10 needle for my jumper, do I need to buy a size 10 crochet hook for it?

Also for the future, I am interested in knitting my sleeves top down for easy adjustment, does this work with aran jumpers and cables?
Cheers!! :mrgreen:

If you clip right above the elbow, ie: wherever the longest bit of the sleeve is that has the fewest decreases, unravel the sleeve down, then knit it back up with faster decreases, you should be able to shorten it and then graft it back on.

And yes, you can knit sleeves top down with cables, but it will look subtly different, and you must remember to reverse the twists on your sleeves so they match the body. Or just knit the entire sweater top down.

My two cents!