I’m back to knitting after 20 years and am trying to complete a sweater for my son. The sleeve instructions are so confusing to me and I’m hoping someone can help make this easier to understand. I’ve gotten through the rib pattern and now working on the increases. The instructions from there are as follows: Taking extra sts into pattern as they occur, inc 1 st at each end of the nex row, the 5 (7)(10) following 4th rows, then then the 5 (4)(2) following 6th rows - 48(50)(52) sts {my size is 50}. Pattern another 3 (3)(5) rows. Cast off loosley in rib. I’m making a size L (50). It’s a Man’s Rib Sweater I purchased the pattern from Etsy, Heritage Knitting.
Sleeve pattern help
What is the name / designer of your pattern, and which size are you making?
It’s a Man’s Rib Sweater pattern that I purchased from Etsy!
Here’s a picture of the sweater. image|749x1152
It comes from Heritage Knitting
It’s also a size Large
I think you are following the second size if you end with 50 sts.
The instructions for this size are
Inc on next and 7 following 4th then 4 following 6th rows
Call the next row, row 1
Inc each end of row 1
Then rows 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29
Then rows 35, 41, 47, 53
I hope this answers your question. If not do let us know as there’s plenty of help here.
Thank you so very much for your help and clarifying this for me. I greatly appreciate it.
You’re welcome.
Enjoy knitting the rest of your project.