I have started making this top using stylecraft linen drape.
I have a couple of questions
In the pattern for front and back there are right and left decreases. I didn’t like the effect of the left leaning decrease given (s1, k1, psso) but used it anyway for the first few before I saw the effect, then I tried ssk which didn’t look any different and now I’d like to know which you think is the best left leaning decrease for a smooth finish. Is it the SYTK that gives a neater result?
I’ve tugged all the decreases to tighten them up on the back piece and don’t think I’ll pull it out but I’d like to improve for the front. -
The pattern gives instruction for m1 increase but uses the same increase (i found out its left leaning) for both sides. I switched to one right leaning and one left leaning as I thought this would look better although not sure I put them in the right side. The result is like this
\ / I changed the increases to this
/ \ decreases as per pattern
Sort of pointing in towards the waist. I was imagining darts in a dress. It looks okay but I’m interested to know what more experienced people would have done please.
Would this be right? Conventional? -
There are optional capped sleeves. If I made the one without sleeves what cast on and bind off do you suggest in order to have the shoulder edges matching as closely as possible? The top panel works from arm hole to arm hole and sewn on. I’d like the cast on and bind off to look similar or the same on each arm hole.
There is no specified cast on method for any part but I used thumb method on the main body, I recently learned this cast on and used the back of it, bumpy side, for the RS of top as it looks nice with the garter edging.