Shoulder decrease stitch on shoulder of a tee

I’m knitting the Bice tee by Amy Christoffers & Berroco and I’m getting to the finish line-yay! I’m at the left & right shoulders binding off on WS rows but at the same time decreasing 1 st on each RS row for 3 rows. I’m wondering what the best stitch is to do the decreases & if it matters if they are leaning in left or right?

Thanks so much for your help. Patti

Great looking tee!
You can have the decreases lean either way but be consistent at each edge. Most patterns use a right leaning dec at the neck edge on the left shoulder (as you wear the tee) and a left leaning dec at the neck edge on the right sholder.
There are a few patterns however that work the opposite dec (left lean on the left shoulder, right lean on the right shoulder). It’s a matter of personal preference.
I like the k2tog (leans right) and ssk (leans left) but again, it’s personal preference.

Here’s a neater ssk if you’d like:

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Thank you, that really helps. Now I’m wondering if there is a best-place to do the decreases? Nearest to the neck opening, the sleeve edge or somewhere in the middle? and in the same area for all three decreases?

Check the pattern and see if there is an example row that shows the placement of the decreases. Usually there are decreases at the neck edge and they can be one or two sts in from the neck edge.
Congrats on getting close to the end!

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