Short rows - can't understand the pattern


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I am knitting a hat by Garn Studio. It is worked side to side on straight needles and sewn at the end.

  1. I do not understand this part:
    "[COLOR=“Blue”]Continue in pattern like this, AT THE SAME TIME work shortened rows, back and forth on needle, with start from RS as follows: * 2 rows on all sts, 2 rows on 36-40 sts, 2 rows on 34-38 sts, 2 rows on 31-35 sts *, repeat from -. [/COLOR]" Can you pls elaborate?

  2. Question: the diagram shows patter from RS. How do I knit the WS? Just follow the pattern?

Many thanks for help!!!

The rows before the instruction “continue in pattern” should explain exactly what the pattern is. Or possibly there is a section at the beginning of the instructions that tells you what the repeat pattern is. Those are the directions to follow for pattern on the WS.
As you continue in this pattern, you’ll be working fewer sts every 2 rows. So work the given number of sts, turn as you would at the end of the row and work back on that same number of sts. I’m guessing that the two numbers (36-40, 34-38, and 31-35) are possibly for two different sizes?
What is the name of this pattern and perhaps we can find it or find a picture of it?

Thank you, salmonmac!

The pattern is posted on
Click on “[B]American[/B]” (displaying America/Canadian flags) [B]icon[/B];
Scroll down to “Direct Pattern Search” on the left pane;
Type in [B]DROPS no[/B] field: 114
Type in [B]Pattern no[/B] field: 31.

It’s number is DROPS 114-31, hat ans shoulder wrap. Really nice!!!

You are right that hat the two numbers (36-40, 34-38, and 31-35) are for two different sizes. That makes sense to me now.

“At the same time” throws me off… Also, “2 rows on all sts” - does it mean I do not need to shorten the first 2 rows?

I can post the link now! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to give it as it would be for just the smaller size. Cast on 38,

Row 1 (RS): k2 (You are working everything but the 14 sts of the chart in garter stitch so knit every thing but those stitches coming and going. On the chart you will be knitting the cable on the right side and purling it on the wrong side and the stitches on the side of the cable will be purled on the right side and knit on the wrong side, so on the wrong side purl the purls and knit the knits. ) work the chart for 14 stitches, then knit 22.

Row 2 (WS): K22, work the 14 chart stitches knitting the knits and purling the purls, k2.

Row 3 RS (you only work the short rows on the right side rows). K2, chart over 14, k20 (2 short of the end, this will be 36 sts altogether). Turn

Row 4 WS: K20, work the 14 from the chart as you did on row 2, k2.

Row 5: K2, chart 14, knit 18, turn. (34 stitches used)

Row 6: K18, chart 14, k2.

Row 7: K2, chart 14, k15, turn. (31 stitches used)

Row 8: K15, chart 14, k2.

Then go back and begin at row 1 again and work the 8 rows again. Keep the cable chart going as given in the chart and when you finish one repeat of the chart work another until you have done 10 repeats of the chart.

That is what I get out of it. I haven’t worked it and I could be wrong, but that’s what I would try, if it doesn’t work, it’s wrong. :lol: :oops:

Working the short rows like this will shape the top of the hat as you work the cable for the cuff of the hat.

“At the same time” means, as you continue to work the pattern, start the instructions for short row shaping at this point.
And yes, “2rows on all sts” means do not shorten these first two rows. Work them on all the sts.
It’s a pretty pattern. Enjoy knitting it!

Awsome! :muah: I have not knitted in 15 years or so, so those basic skills I had as a youngster are pretty rusty now.
I am just learning now to decipher patters. This spell-out format is what I am familiar with. I read it carefully, played in my head and it is all clear now.

The side with short rows will look kind of warped, right? Is that the idea?

This forum is a God send with friendly and so efficient helpers! I am so enthusiastic and can hardly wait now to start this project! :knitting:

Thank you both, salmonmac and MerogoldinWA!:stuck_out_tongue:

Right the short row side will have more rows than the other side.

The side with short rows will look kind of warped, right? Is that the idea?

Most hats are knitted the other direction and they make the hat get smaller at the top by decreasing (often every other round/row as you go up after you have the height you want). To get that same sort of effect with this hat knit sideways they are making some of the rows shorter to take out some of the width at the top and make the hat come to a dome.