shawl collar?

I am exploring new patterns, but stumped as how to attach a shawl collar.

Any help so much appreciated


Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Does the pattern give any directions about attaching the collar? If you would like you can post a couple of rows of the pattern if you think that would help. Don’t give us a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright please.

Sweaters in sirdar. Instructions have been in error, in a few places. No diagrams to follow. Have put garment aside, until worked out. Any help gratefully appreciated

Please tell us the exact pattern name so we can look up a photo. Or, you could take a photo of the front cover of your pattern and post it here.

We also need to see the instructions for attaching the collar.

There are several types of shawl collar, and various ways of knitting/attaching collars, so we need details, please :slight_smile:

Sure. Am working in that for you

What an adorable pattern and the shawl collar really makes it!
You have the shawl collar knit already. Sew one edge with the row ends to the slot in the front of the sweater where sts were cast off (yellow line).

The diagram shows the same yellow line. Attach the other end of the collar in back of this first attachment. Again you’ll be attaching the row ends into the slot. The left row ends will overlap the right (that’s left and right as you would wear the sweater).

Now distribute the cast on edge (red line in diagram) of the collar along the sides and back of the neck. I’d pin this in or baste it so that you can make sure the collar fits neatly into the opening.

See if this makes it clearer. If not, let us know.

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Thankyou, will try this. Wasn’t sure where to start!!

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