Shaping front neck

Me again! I’m not quiet getting what the following instructions mean:

Next row (rs): patt 16 sts and turn, leaving rem 2 sts on a holder

Once again, your help is much appreciated

You’re to work in pattern across 16 then turn as you would at the end of the row. Two sts will remain on the left hand needle. Put them on a holder or scrap yarn. You’ll get to them later.

So the 16 + 2 should finish stitches on that row? (Meaning I’d have 1 free needle)…or when turn I continue the row until there’s 2 remaining to leave?? (As I have 30 sts in total on that row??)

And the next step is to:

Keep patt correct, dec 1 St at neck edge of next 4 rows, then on 4 following alt rows. 8 sts. Work 3 rows…

Which I get what to do in the next step. I just think I got more stitches than it says lol

This should be neck shaping for one shoulder although usually the shoulders are worked on fewer than half the front sts with some sts bound off for the center neck.
You have 30sts before starting the row? The line you quoted makes it sound as though there should be 18sts to begin the row. It does look like you have more sts than the pattern is requiring. Were there any decreases at the armhole edge before this row?
What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Yes there was decreases in previous step of which i followed…I have noticed I somehow at times end up with more stitches than started with…not sure how I do…but it happens and i follow the instructions when casting off and decreasing so really not sure how :thinking:

This is the shaping armhole step before (previous to that was casting on 25 sts and working pattern to required length) and the shaping neck front I’m on now

There are several ways to inadvertantly increase sts. You can make accidental yarn overs for one. Another common one is to bring the yarn to the back for a knit row over the needle instead of under the needle. When you do this the first stitch looks like two sts and the knitting keeps increasing in stitch number. Here are some more suggestions about generating extra sts.

I would suggest going back to the beginning of the Shape Armhole directions in order to get the stitch count corrected.
For the armhole, start with 25 sts, cast off 2 to give you 23sts. Call this row, row 1. Work row 2 without any decreases. Then decrease at the armhole edge on rows 3,5,7 and 9 followed by a decrease on row 13 (18sts).
Now you’re ready for the directions to pattern 16 and turn leaving the 2sts remaining on a holder.

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