sewing my raglan cardigan

Hello friends
How are you?
I’ve got the to part on my where it says finishing on my cardigan.
It simply says sew raglan seams, sew sides and sleeve seams.
Do I sew it inside out to keep the raglan?
Is there a best technique? (nothing too difficult, this is my first cardigan with raglan)
And do I sew it up before attempting the neckband?
Thanks Sharon :blush:

Well done on getting all the pieces finished!
Mattress stitch is very popular for seaming knitting. I like it as I can see exactly where to go in and out and match up each row. The first time I used it I was amazed, it was like magic. This method is not done inside out but with the work flat and the right side facing you.
I would suggest you try it it on some spare swatches you have first, or knit up some rectangles to give yourself a chance to practise.

In my opinion the straight sides are easier to seam rather than doing the raglan first but it’s up to you. Here are a couple of videos for raglan and the side seams. In this they pin together first, when I first seamed I found I preferred to tack with bits of yarn every few cm as it really helped me keep my pieces in place and keep the rows aligned - depends if you find it easy or slightly tricky the first time.

Yes, attach the pieces together before working the neckband.

Hope this helps


ooh thank you for your prompt reply. That’s very helpful. I’ve give it a try.
Sharon xx

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You’re welcome.

Hello, thank you. Its been very helpful. I’m now at the stage of picking up the stitches for the button edge
I’ve invested in a round needle as there will be a lot of stitches.
My question is, I thought it would be best to do in on a round needle and pick up all stitches both side and the neck.
I’m confused by the instructions on the pattern. Any help welcome!
Thank you Sharon :blush:

Glad the seaming worked out for you.

The next part is the neck bNd only. Later it is the buttonband and buttonhole band. The buttonbands work from the bottom and all the way and including several stitches vertically up the neckband. Just to be clear, the first part to work is the neckband.

With the right side (the stockinette or visible side) of the fabric facing you, you will begin at the right front, that is the right hand side as you would wear the cardigan.

There are various sets of stitches to pick up or work from holders, I suggest you count and name these to yourself before you start.
Where there is a section to pick up and knit, eg 15 sts up the right front neck edge, you need to look at how many stitches you have available in that section of the neck and pick up evenly. It may be one stitch in each stitch or it may be work into 2 then skip one . You might place a marker half way up the fabric to guide you to get 7 sts picked up each side of the marker and in in the stitch where the marker sits.
Some of the sections you need to decrease as you work the stitches in that section, if it was me I’d find the section and place marker or yarn loop on the the 2 stitches I want to decrease.
For example k9 from right sleeve stitch holder, dec 2 sts evenly.
There will be 11 sts on the right sleeve stitch holder. I would mark stitch 3 to work tog with stitch 4, and stitch 8 to work together with stitch 9. You can do a k2tog here.

It’s worth using some markers and and taking time on this pick up to get the right number and an even spacing. The rest of the band is straight forward rib.

I hope this helps.

Thank you

Sorry if this sounds dim, but will there be seams to meet with the side bands?

It sounds complicated. I had seen a video where they picked up from the bottom. I’d hoped it would be like that. I didn’t read ahead to to bands :confused: x

It’s not a sewn seam from the neck band to the buttonband, the neckband is knitted first then afterwards you will pick up along the front edge of the cardigan for the buttonband and this pick up will include joining it to the neckband. If you look closely or zoom in jn the photo you can just make out that the button band and neck band have the rib going in different directions.
The video you saw with the pick up of stitches up the long edge is probably the buttonband which you will come to later.

For now, you are just going around the top of the cardigan.
I can’t find a good video showing this, here’s one that covers how to pick up stitches if you need it, you can skip to the chapter on the curved edge

So, you should have some stitches on holders, yes?
The first lot are at the front right and you work these off the holder, or transfer to a needle and then work them if you prefer.
Then continue by picking up and knitting 15 up the neck edge.
Then work the stitches off the next holder which has the sleeve stitches, there should be 11 on this holder but you will work 2tog twice to decrease to 9.
Then you have 33 on a holder for the back, work these.
Then left sleeve, working the 11 off the holder but decreasing 2 again.
Then picking up and working 15 down the left edge and finally working the 10 on the last holder.
Then turn as normal and work across the wrong side starting with row 2 of ribbing.

If I have confused or misread your question just say so. And you are not dim! All questions are good, just keep asking until you know what to do.

This could be a good time to place a life line in your held stitches, that way if you don’t like the neckband or mess up you can easily undo it and the stitches will be safe.
Do you know how to put a life line in?

oh wow! that is super helpful thank you. I’ll give it a.try. :blush: x
I imagine the change in direction if rib will hide the joining better.
Thanks again for your help !

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You’re very welcome.
I just spotted two typos I made in that last post though, my fingers have hit the wrong digit making two of the stitch counts I put there incorrect. hopefully you spotted them, follow the stitch counts on your pattern. I have corrected the numbers on my previous post now but thought I better mention it in case you wrote it out with those wrong numbers in!

Give it a go and see how you get on. As I said, life lines on those held stitches would be a good plan at this point.

Some cardigans have the button band worked first and then the neckband and the rib directions are a little different at the join. This pattern has the neckband first and then button band as that’s the design.

If you’re still stuck though just ask again.

This link has a good photo you can zoom in on to see how the neckband and buttonband sit nicely together. There are also 30+ projects of this cardigan you can look at to see how it turned out for others. Very nice pattern

Thank you, I’ve complete the neck edge. And was feeling confident on the bands but forgot about the button holes. Any tips? Thanks :hatching_chick: xx

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Well done for completing the neck band.

Have you completed the buttonband and forgotten to put the button holes in so are looking for some tips for “afterthought buttonholes” (which is possible), or are you at the stage of preparing to tackle the buttonbands and looking for tips in general about them?

easy button holes. I managed the row, but the cast on row felt awkward and haven’t got it sussed yet.


Here’s a video for a 2 row button hole. In this video the buttonhole is 3 stitches wide, your buttonhole is 2 stitches wide so when casting on just do 2, not 3 as in the video. This method is with a cable cast on which is a firm cast on and looks nice, to work this you must work up to the hole, then turn the work around, cast on 2 stitches, then turn the work around again, then continue working to the next hole.
In this video there is a tip for wrapping the last stitch cast on, you can do this for a neater finish.
The video uses a garter stitch fabric whilst yours is rib. For continuity of rib always look at the next stitch to be worked and work it as it presents, if it is a knit then knit it, if it is a purl then purl it.
The second row is at about 3min 40 if you want to jump to it.

See how you go with this.

Perfect. I think I’ve got it, I didn’t turn my work so I think that was why not wasn’t looking good!

I’ll give it a try. :blush:

ha ha! I’ve got it

Thank you so.much. you’re a star :star2:

Things my cardigan new job! which Instart on

Monday, so I’m more positive of it being finished in time now ! xx

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You’re brave knitting to a deadline!

Glad to hear you have the buttonhole worked out.

You might go to a needle size up for the bind off to make sure it isn’t too tight and/or bind off in pattern too which keeps the tension better and looks nice too.

You are almost there!

I know ! it’s a wip and I have a few other things on the go! I’ll be fine now, thanks for your support and help x

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You’re very welcome.
Looking forward to seeing a pic.
Congrats and Good luck for your first day in your new job too!

thank you :blush: