I have knitted a long cardigan for a toddler and am just attempting to sew in the sleeves. Although I can find no help online that shows sleeves that look anything like the ones I have before me!
The sleeves I have knitted are completely square at the top and the cast on edge appears much shorter than the armhole that they need to fit!
Here is the sleeve pattern so you can picture what the sleeve looks like!
With 4mm needles cast on 31 sts
Row 1: (K1, P1) to last st, K1
Row 2: (K1, P1) to last st, K1
Cont. in moss st until 10 rows complete. Change to 5mm needles and work in st st as folls:
Row 11: Inc into first st, knit to last st, inc into last st (33 sts)
Row 12: Purl
Work 2 rows in st st.
Inc at each end of next row and every foll 4th row to 47 sts.
Work without further shaping until sleeve measures 20.5cm from cast on edge. Cast off.
Can someone point me in the right direction of some step by step directions to follow? Preferably with pictures?
Many thanks in advance!