Sewing a knitted border into position using cast on stitch


I am knitting a baby cardigan and on the right front it has a knitted band where I have 5 stitches left on a safety pin. Next in the instructions it says to sew the border into position along the right front using cast on stitch. Can anyone help with how to do this please? I should have mentioned that using the stitches on the safety pin I have had to knit the band to the length of the front of the cardigan.

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What is the name of your pattern and designer?
You could use mattress stitch here. A Bickford seam might work if there won’t be too much stress on the seam.

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Hi - thank you for replying. It is a pattern I purchased on Etsy called the Rosy Poshy cardigan and hat

So the video I linked to the mattress stitch between two stockinette (or rib) fabrics won’t work. Here’s a video for seaming garter stitch (border) to stockinette (sweater body).

This Ravelry knitters also does a work around for the seaming by knitting the border at the same time as the body of the sweater. That woun’t work for you now but it’s something to keep in mind in future.

Thank you - you have been very helpful. I will be trying this out this afternoon.

Best wishes


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