Self striping wool

I have this yarn that changes from pink to green. I only have enough to do a sleeveless cardigan for my kid. Across the back, the colour changes every 2inch or so. But on the fronts, itll change every 4 inch. It looks weird.
I already wound the yarn into 2 balls so I can knit the 2 fronts at same, but how do I sort out the colour change?

What if you made the front in one piece as a sleeveless pullover?
There are some solutions for this problem of unequal stripes: you could knit the sweater as a tube and use steeks at the armholes (you’d have to cover the steeks with an edging) but it sounds like you’ve already knit the back.
You could use the two balls of yarn alternately. When the stripe is the same size as the back stripes switch to the second ball starting with the second color. This may waste a bit more yarn than you have however.

That’s normal for self striping yarns. The longer rows across the back will be narrower stripes, the short rows on the fronts will be wider stripes.

I know a few people who used Noro yarn and ended up cutting the yarn whenever it needed to change to match. They ended up with lots of ends to weave in. A one piece pullover that you steek seems the best option.

The fronts are narrower, so there’s less stitches than on the back. One solution would be to knit it seamlessly, CO sts for both the fronts and the back to one needle and knit it up to the underarm, then the stripes will be the same size. The upper parts though, you have to knit separately and you might need to cut the yarn to match as suggested above, but it beats doing that for both fronts. I also wouldn’t worry about it, it’ll still look fine even if the ‘stripes’ don’t match.

Thanks guys.
Sleeveless pullover not an option. She’ll only wear cardigans.
Steeks may be the way to go, but the thought of all those ends to darn in. yuk.
I think you’re right, artificially change colour when it looks like it ought to.
And next time the mother-in-law buys striping wool with not enough yarn to do a full jumper properly, its going in the stash.
Did I mention she bought two (very) different dye-lots :frowning:
Will post a photo when I’m done.

I’ve also seen people use self-striping yarn for the yoke of a seamless sweater with the rest of the sweater being another color. That always looked cute and the stripes don’t seem to be an issue. Then you could make a matching hat or something. :wink:

I’m kinda late jumping into this thread…but here’s what I did with some NORO yarn that aggravated me for the same reasons your yarn is annoying you! Wider stripes on the Fronts of a cardigan, narrow striping on the Back! (And I preferred the wider stripes cuz the colors have more a chance to display!)

Here is the [U]1st BETTNA[/U] cardigan I knit up several years ago before realizing the striping differences that self-striping yarns will produce between fronts and back of a cardigan.

Front view ([U]wider[/U] striped for the 2 lower front pieces)

Back view ([U]narrow[/U] striping for the lower back piece) ack!

So years later, when I was going to knit another Bettna, I saw what another knitter at Ravelry had done! She used TWO SKEINS of yarn on that lower back piece. Knitting half of each row with skein #1, then finishing the row with skein #2. Since the Back piece was about 90 st wide, and the the 2 lower front pieces were about 45 st wide…this solution worked out great! For the lower back, each skein was used for about 45 stitches, thereby becoming a match for the 2 lower front.

Note, we didn’t care to have the ‘stripes’ match colorwise at the side seams or the back ‘faux’ seam. We liked the colors being a little offset, part of the beauty of NORO. But we did want the colors to play out with about the same width, or in this case: height, however you want to phrase it.

Here is my[U] daughter’s Bettna[/U]. Notice, the colorway striped at about the same height for the two lower fronts as it did for the lower back!

[SIZE=3][B]Front view:[/B][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][B]Back view, obviously.[/B][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][B]Happy daughter![/B][/SIZE]

Later on, I knit [U]another Bettna[/U] for myself, using a woodgrain colorway. Not NORO yarn.
I did the same ‘intarsia’[I] technique[/I] for the lower back piece.

[SIZE=3][B]Front view[/B][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][B]Back view[/B][/SIZE]

Here is a YOUTUBE video where the lady is showing us how to drop the strand from skein #1,
and pick up to knit with a strand from skein #2. She’s showing how to ‘twist’ them so
there’s no hole.
