I am seeking advice on how to seam two edges of a tube knitted in stockinette together; the seams need to be nice and sturdy. Can anyone provide said advice or recommend a site/video/etc. ? Many thanks in advance!
I am seeking advice on how to seam two edges of a tube knitted in stockinette together; the seams need to be nice and sturdy. Can anyone provide said advice or recommend a site/video/etc. ? Many thanks in advance!
Mattress stitch is a go to for lots of seaming. Are you seaming cast on edge to bind off edge or the ends of rows? It won’t be flat if that’s what you need. There are other seaming methods that are flatter. I looked for a mattress stitch video and this one popped up comparing different methods.
Seaming a Comparison of Mattress Stitch, Back Stitch and Slip Stitch Crochet for Vertical Seams
If it’s a horizontal seam (cast on end to bin off edge) I like to faux graft, basically the same as mattress stitch but instead of pulling the seam thread tight, each stutch is made the same size as the knit stitches, its a little nicer to look at and a little flatter as you don’t get the seam bulk so hard behind the seam. Still sturdy though.
For vertical, or edge to edge I’d use mattress stitch.