Row 54 of the shedir hat- help!

I am so sad that I can’t finish this hat yet! I am stuck on line 54 of the pattern.

So, I have switched my marker at the end of row 53, great, no problem, but when I go to put the two stitches back onto the cable needle, then knit the next stitch( this part is fine), then I am supposed to purl the purl from the needle then knit last stitch from cable. Well on mine I have a knit first since we had move the last stitch forward on row 53. So I have knit then purl, am I supposed to twist them or something? My first four stitches are knit1 purl1, knit1, purl2. So what do I do? Please help me, I really ant to finish this hat so I can try something new :slight_smile:

You put the wrong sts on the cable needle somehow. Did you move the marker the right direction? You’re to slip the last st, take off the marker, slip the st back to the L needle, put the marker back on. Then the previous ‘last’ st is now the first st of the round. If you did that right, then maybe you’re off in the pattern somewhere else.

But all of the stitches match the pattern. I did find someone here who had the problem before and she said she just knit off the left end of the cable needle to do the purl first and then knit the knit. It seems to have worked as the stitches for the next row work. It seems as though it does need to be twisted because the last stitch on row 53 ( that we moved the marker around) is a knit ( on paper and practice), so it only makes sense that it would be the first stitch for row 54. But I have been up all night thinking about it…bah! :slight_smile: Thanks for the help, I am sure I’ll be asking more questions as I move up the chart :slight_smile:

Yeah, or you would put the last st from the cable needle on the L needle and p it first.

So i made it past this point and happily on line 64! The hat is huge though! I think maybe I choose the wrong yarn! Now i just need to find someone with a big head that would want to wear it! LOL!

Or maybe the needles are too big. This is written for a dk weight yarn and small needles. Though many people used worsted and larger needles, but they probably adjusted the CO stitches.

yeah I think i should have done one less round, but I wanted to follow the pattern exactly. Hah! I didn’t take into account that I am using a worsted weight and have been knitting a little bit loose. Silly girl I am! I could probably turn up the rim and it would be the perfect size!

ok so I am not happily on line 64. I am stuck between line 62 and 63. I Love tinking back to find a mistake only to discover there is none! :S
So, My problem is this, line 62 starts with knit purl (as it should) and when I go to line 64 the first stitch is a twist right (slip the next stitch to cable needle and hold to the back; knit the next stitch then purl st from Cable needle). But my first stitch that I would hold to the back is a knit and the second purl. I can’t figure out how I am supposed to get the stitches in this to work- it doesn’t say to move the markers on this row. I could do a left twist but that isn’t what it is asking for. HELP!!