I’m (still) working on the Bernat Camouflage Child’s Cardigan
I’m not sure about how to do the reverse shapings, and have them, well, shaped right. Here are the instructions I need to reverse:
1st row: Cast off 7 sts. Knit to end of row.
Purl 1 row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows, then every following alt row to 22 sts.
Cont even until work measures same length as Back to shoulder, ending with purl row.
Cast off.
So, I think that I should knit 1 row, then cast off 7 sts and purl to end of row. Now for the decreases. I decrease at the END of the rows at neck edge, using ??ssk?? to get it leaning the right way? I used k2tog for the right side.