Reverse shaping check

I’m (still) working on the Bernat Camouflage Child’s Cardigan

I’m not sure about how to do the reverse shapings, and have them, well, shaped right. Here are the instructions I need to reverse:

1st row: Cast off 7 sts. Knit to end of row.
Purl 1 row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows, then every following alt row to 22 sts.
Cont even until work measures same length as Back to shoulder, ending with purl row.
Cast off.

So, I think that I should knit 1 row, then cast off 7 sts and purl to end of row. Now for the decreases. I decrease at the END of the rows at neck edge, using ??ssk?? to get it leaning the right way? I used k2tog for the right side.

You would be casting off on the purl side, and decreasing at the neck edge on every row, bot the end and the beginning. A p2tog works pretty well for the purl rows.