Renn Fest dress

A labour of love. Had to shorten it so i didn’t tripSnapchat-237341519 (1) Snapchat-560048146 (1) Snapchat-1966596162 Snapchat-1904365327


Perfect fit and worth all the work.
I had to look up Renn Fest, have you worn it to one yet or is this in preparation for an upcoming festival?
Everyone will be asking you to make them one.

Thanks. I wore it today. The corset killed me, but I got lots of compliments.

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I don’t think I could make them for everyone, lol. Took 200 hours.

200 hours is good going, it takes me that long to decide on a pattern and yarn :laughing:

Not surprised you got lots of compliments it fits the bill and the petticoat is a marvelous addition too.


That’s an amazing piece of knitting. Well done.

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Wow, I’m speechless. Incredible work!

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Beautiful work.

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Love it, beautiful colour too.

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Thank u

Gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations on sticking with that long of a project. That shows great patience and diligence. You are incredible!


Aww shucks! Thanks! It eas a labour of love, but I can modify it and use it for years.

WOW you have SKILL. That is a beautiful dress.

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