Remember this hat from the last Winter Olympics?

Chloe Kim half pipe & hat sensation.
chloekimknithat-min chloekimhat-min

I really wanted to make one or two of these but forgot about it. Im ready now I think. But I don’t crochet. Did anybody knit it? And if so what yarn? It’d have to be lightweight but bulky IMO.

These pictures came from this website. Free pattern. But its crocheted.

The original hat looks more knitted than crochet to me, though the pattern in the link is pretty close in appearance. I’m just not entirely sure about the stitch pattern it would be knitted with. Maybe a variation on rib?

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I’ve made a couple of these for children I know from this pattern:

There’s also this one:

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Thanks! Once I had a name I found a free d/l pattern. (I dont do Ravelry - & have yet to fail to find anything I want elsewhere). Miss Marley even has the top floofy thing just like Chloe’s.

The main thing I wanted was info on the yarn - how it was spun to be lightweight but still bulky. I ordered 1 skein of Red Heart Grande (used for Marley hat). Then started spinning some Cormo. It seemed loftier than other f8ne wools here.

But my problem was my wheel was meant for fine yarn (small orifice). So I spin each ply of my replicate yarn to the max allowed by my wheel. Then made a 2 cake of it on my ancient yarn twister. (Remember when we used to twist 2 colors together for a marled effect? Probably not. Im old)

Then I plied them on the twister. Not enough twist so I had to run it thru twice. I think it will balance out by washing in hot water now. At least I learned how to make a decent bulky yarn. Gonna make a cowl too. At least the knitting will be fast.

Thanks everyone.


Good for you for this work-around. Enjoy working the hat. I’ve made a couple of these in Wool Ease Thick and Quick but yours will definitely be more elegant in Cormo. Do post a photo when you finish!

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