I had to rip the whole piece after I realized I wasn’t doing the pattern correctly. Fortunately it was only about 4 inches, but now the yarn is all kinky. What can I do to relax the yarn without stretching it?
Relaxing yarn after frogging
I suppose you could just wind it carefully. I just start knitting again myself. :shrug:
If it’s been sitting a while knit up, I wind it loosely into a ball and it relaxes by itself, but if I just rip it out I don’t bother.
it really depends on the yarn. Winding it up is mostly the best thing to do. No knots appear, it eases out, things are fine.
some yarns get fuzzy when knitting and ripping them. Those you mostly have to deal with in their fuzzyness.
if it has just been knit (recently) I mostly do not bother much with thinking about straightening it, but I would still rewind it if it is a decent amount of yarn to go through. Just to prevent tangles and be able to move it around and off my couch
Thanks, all. I did rewind it loosely and will just knit with it again, but will let it set for awhile and start a new ball to get back to knitting a really cute lacy beret. This time, I will read the pattern instructions more carefully. That’s what I get for being so eager to get going and yes, I didn’t even bother to swatch :O!