Reducing evenly across 1x1 rib

Hi all,

I’m new here and looking forward to learning lots about my new hobby. I’m just about to start knitting a jumper and after 9 rows of 1x1 rib it says to reduce the 59 stitches by 4 evenly across the row to leave 55 stitches. How do you reduce evenly across 1x1 rib and how do I calculate where the decreases go?

Many thanks!

Welcome to the forum and your new hobby!

There’s a handy knitting calculator online
Scroll down for different calculators to find the relevant one you need, decreases.

And the result for your decrease row is
K7, (k2tog, k13) 2 times, k2tog, k12, k2tog, k6

Don’t be concerned about keeping in rib pattern during this transition row, this is likely to be the row between the rib and a stockinette section so it’s fine to all be knit.
If it’s not stockinette (knit one side and purl the other side) but another stitch pattern, it is likely still OK to knit this decrease row, but if you’re not sure then let us know the next row and we can advise on that.

I hope this helps. If you have any tricky bits do ask as this is a very supportive site, I was so glad to find it.

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That’s brilliant, thank you! It’s good to know about the transition row and the calculator is really useful!

You’re welcome. I hope you’ll share your progress, we love seeing what everyone is working on,

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If you are decreasing on a right side row in stocking stitch, I find it looks neater to do a k2tog leading with a knit column stitch. So your next 2 stitches would a be from a purl and a knit column, and you would k2tog, slanting the knit column “on top of” the purl column.

Conversely, on a wrong side row, I find it looks neater to do a p2tog leading with a purl column stitch. So your next two stitches would be a purl and a knit, and you would p2tog, giving the same look from the front as described above.

(This might mean deviating one stitch to the right or left from the calculator instructions, which won’t make much difference when spreading 4 decreases over 59 sts.)

Have a quick test on a swatch if you like.