Recycle Project: Ragland 1x1 Rib Pullover to Stst Pullover w/ Inset Sleeves

I just unraveled a light blue sweater. It was a Ragland sleeved sweater (navy and black twin in picture). It had started to unravel at the collar seam. I have unraveled it into four center pull balls. It has three strands acrylic that were not plied before being machine knit.

The seams were sewn using separate two unplied strands without being surged (not cut or trimmed for sizing).

You can see how the stitches crinkled the acrylic yarn in this photo.

I am swatching for a stockinette pullover with insert sleeves. And I am working with it as is. I am not having any trouble working with three unplied strands because it runs through my left hand and tension keeps the strands together. It might also be the hairs of the strands were lightly felted between the strands by the original work.

I will be knitting freestyle using only measurements from a comfortably fitting stockinette stitch pullover.

Cast on in 2Ă—2 rib using size 2, 2.75mm needles.
Body in stockinette using size 3, 3.25mm needles.

:astonished: What!!! No pattern??? How dare you?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I start at the top and do seamless set in sleeve sweaters, sometimes with seamless knit-in-place as I go pockets. What’s your plan? And I don’t need a pattern for a sweater, just figure out the cast on for the back neck and shoulders and have at it. My steeked bottom up seamless raglan cardigan didn’t need a pattern.

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Oh, alright. I have a percentage pattern. I’ll collect the data on the gauge and percentages of my favorite sweater. I’ll run it through my swatch gauge. Then I will experiment with my options.

Most importantly, I will document the pattern as I knit my pullover sweater.

That is the plan. I have a bit more leisure time now since I was laid off just before my department was out source. I am in my eighth month out of work. I have a part time job starting in a week. I figure I have 8 or 9 months until the cold returns.

I am a computer scientist, but I am still finding out new directions that can take me.


I haven’t got the brain power to do those things. I know what shape I need and knit the shape. Where there’s a will there’s a way someone once said. I measure with my hands a lot. I know that when I’ve knit far enough that my four fingers held together and laid flat reach from neck/shoulder to the needle it’s time to do short row shaping so neck and armhole fit right, for example.

I wish you the best of luck on the employment front. I need to knit a knee length cardigan. With our green energy cost savings making my electric bill go up so much, so fast I might not be able to afford heat next winter.

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A friend of mine never uses a pattern. She measures her children or the sweater recipients and then knits away. I’m very pattern driven and dependent for sweaters. Working without one is a talent and I’m in awe of anyone who knits this way.
With your knowledge and ability I’m sure whatever your direction, it will be a success. I certainly wish you the best with whatever the next step is.


Well, I think all my words really said cloud be summarized as, “measure twice, knit once.” :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry to hear you were laid off @OffJumpsJack, what a bummer.
Good luck in your new job, hope it goes well.

You have reminded me I was supposed o be frogging a top this month. I can’t knit or frog at the moment (too much pain and jot enough mobility this month - I’ve also lost my job this month due to ill health so i really sympathise with your situation) but this thread is useful, and the other you posted on, to see the effects of frogged yarn. Thanks for sharing.


I’m sorry to hear about your health problems and the loss of work, Creations. Those problems make everything else more difficult. I hope you’re feeling better soon.


Thank you salmonmac.

Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement.

@Creations, sympathies for your pain, lessened mobilty, & job loss.

@GrumpyGramma, I Know your a “no pattern” rebel too! May your weather be mild too.


So sorry to hear about your situation (health & job). You are such a wealth of info and you go out of your way to help others. Hope you’re back to knitting soon. We all have life issues and stressors that impact our lives but since I picked up knitting 2 yrs ago, it has provided me with an outlet to be able to concentrate on something other than those issues that might be affecting me. But I look forward to picking up my current project and those things just seem to recede by concentrating on something else. And a bonus is to have something tangible to show for it.


Thank you for your kind words KnittinGigi x

Hey, I now have a part time job at a “large box” home improvement store.
Now, I am too tired to knit. :roll_eyes:


YAY for the job. BOO for too tired to knit. :frowning:


It’s always so exhausting starting a new job. I’m sure it will settle and you will be back to knitting in a short while.