Really basic socks

I have looked through hundreds of sock patterns (mostly on knitty and knitting pattern central) and I would like to knit a simple pair on DPNs with my KnitPicks fun sock yarn. I don’t know what would be the simplest. :shrug: I have never done socks before and don’t want to mess up my pretty yarn. :happydance:

Any suggestions?


Try Silver’s Sock tutorial - - people say it’s the easiest way to learn sock knitting.

I only have two pairs of DPNs and they are 8 and 10.5 so I was wondering if anyone has a VERY simple starter patter for circs? I’ve heard about doing two socks at a time on them but I don’t know where I heard them. Also, any good tutorials on magic look? can I knit socks with magic loop? lol

Check the tutorial I posted above.

This is the basic pattern I use. I made my first pair of socks using it and had no problems. I have since used it many more times.

This is the pattern that I use for socks–I’ve made 3 pair using this pattern. They fit well and look very nice.


I learned socks using this pattern, it’s very basic

I learned to knit socks long before discovering Silver’s tuts - I highly recommend them, too.

Many thanks! I had not found Silver’s tutorials or the other pattern posted. I will be sure to try these patterns.



I have been eyeing these socks for a week or so.
They call for size 10.5 dpn’s and look like a basic pattern to me. They also sound pretty comfy! :think: