Hi. Im knitting my first ever jumper for my grandson. I bought a vintage pattern and after a bit of confusion following the pattern I’ve managed to knit the front and back panels, but I’m having an absolute nightmare with the sleeves. I’m now on my 8th attempt and am close to giving up.
I can do up to “2nd row purl”, then I lose it where it says “to last 4”.
I’ll try to explain what’s happening. The last two stitches before “last 4” are purl. So does that mean I should continue for another 2 stitches with the purl, increase a stitch and knit it, then purl the last stitch? Therefore effectively doing p4, k1, p1?
The second part I’m having trouble with is where it says “keeping continuity”. Does it mean I should alternate from third to fourth row to increase the stitches?
I’ve added screenshots of the part of the pattern I’m stuck on, and a photo of the pattern I’m trying to achieve. I just hope someone understands what I’m asking!
Thank you in advance.