Quick Oats Pattern Help - Short stitches after first increase round

Beginner knitter moving on from hats and scarves to my first cardigan! I have re-started 3 times now and cannot seem to get past row 4 with the full 50 stitches! I am currently sitting with 44 stitches!

It reads “Row 4: (RS) (buttonhole row) Knit 2, YO, knit 3, (KFB, knit 1) repeat to the last 5 stitches, knit 5 50(50) stitches”

Following for the 0-3 months size so I shouldn’t be doing the KFB in () right?

Any and all help is appreciated!!

Hurrah for starting a cardigan!

I’m not able to get the English download for some reason. (and I cannot translate)
Looks though like you cast on 36
Then on the increase row you will work as you wrote:
K2, yo, k3, work kfb, k1 repeated across the row to the last 5 stitches, k5
There will be 13 kfb that’s 13 increases, plus the YO increase, so it does add up to 50 stitches at the end of this row.

The kfb, k1 is all repeated so kfb, k1, kfb, k1, kfb, k1 and keep going until only 5 stitches left.

Hope this helps, if not do ask again.

Welcome to KH!
Work as Creations posted. The sizes are the same number of sts until you get to the row following row 19. Up until then the directions, including those in parentheses apply to both sizes. When the directions are for the different sizes they are bolded.

It is a bit confusing especially as a beginner but good for you for working your first sweater!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! This was exactly the input I needed! Many thanks @Creations & @salmonmac


You’re very welcome. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have more tricky bits.