Question about whip stitch and intarsia in the round

So, I am making Bec Brittain’s Hazel the Humpback Whale. Ravelry: Hazel the Humpback Whale pattern by Bec Brittain

The pattern calls for intarsia-in-the-round, but I chose to do it in a single color. However, I am still curious about the technique and would like to know whether you have a preferred trick. There are plenty of videos out there, but I would like to know your personal preference.

Next, for the body, the pattern says putting 7 stitches on hold for row 184 and “[taking] the 7 stitches that are on the holder and [whipping] stitch them together to form the little fin on the
back of the whale’s body.” I finished the body and did not know what to do with the stitches. Exactly how should I do the whip stitch? I can see the small fin formed from the pictures people share for their projects, but I do not know how to get there.

Thank you.

I’ve done intarsia in the round using German short rows. I wasn’t so pleased with the look of the stacked GSRs although I do like them in other situations. For myself, I would try yo short rows or shadow wraps next time I think.
For the whip stitch maybe take the yarn into the middle stitch first and then into pairs of stitches and the fin itself until you reach the end of the fin.

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