Please help - my RS and WS are switching


I need help with a purchased pattern I have because I’m making a mistake , but I’m confused on what that mistake is.
My pattern is for a beanie knitted flat, I’m doing the cast on and ribbing portion fine, but after a decrease row the next step is to knit the stockinette pattern starting on a WS row…since my pattern so far has consisted of ribbing and then a decrease row I assumed I was starting the WS now and knitted my first row, then continued in stockinette for 36 rows ending with my last row being a purl stitch as advised by the pattern. After the 36 rows, I have another decrease row on my pattern , then 3 rows of stockinette again.

When I worked the 3 new rows of stockinette(K row, P row, K row) I’m noticing my RS and WS are switching. Meaning the Vs of my RS pattern now have the WS waves on top where the new rows are and same with my WS, the waves now have the V on top. I’m not sure what I did wrong to cause the sides to switch. When I started the 36 rows of original stockinette should I have purled first since it said starting with a wrong side row??

Welcome to KH!
Yes, when a pattern in stockinette tells you to begin with a WS row, begin with the purl row. After 36 rows, it usually doesn’t matter which row you started on or whether there are 35 or 37 rows instead of 36 unless it’s a more complicated pattern stitch, a lace chart or colorwork.

You can either stay with the waves or bumps on the RS if you like that or you can take out the rows where the switch occurred and re-knit them. Work the knit row when a V side is facing and a purl row when the waves or bumps are facing. This is reading your knitting and it’s a good practice to keep yourself on track.

What is the name of your pattern?


Thank you! I will start again and make sure I start on a purl row and end as stated in the pattern. I’m working the Jacques beanie pattern by wool and the gang. I attached a picture of the pattern section I am on! Section 4 is where I knitted the first row and based of my assumptions and your advise should have purled the first row!

Very nice! Really, you don’t have to start from the beginning. Just from where the RS knit rows flipped. If you take out the needles you can rip out to a row before the flip, then pull out that last row as you insert the needle back into the knitting. It’s like tinking but the sts aren’t sitting on the right hand needle.

Ohhh, that’s great advice!! Thank you so much! That’s exactly what I’ll do since I’m almost finished! I’d hate to start over!

Oh, anything better than starting over. Here’s another handy trick so you don’t have to start from the beginning just in case you don’t know about lifelines.

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Thank you!! I did not know! I appreciate the tips!