Picking up Stitches—Sleeves

I could use some help, please. The instruction underlined in blue…what does this mean? Every two, three rows???
The pattern is ALIEAS by Isabel Kraemer. Thank you in advance, because… I’m stuck.

This is one of those things I could do but is best left to someone else to interpret clearly. I can share the pattern link. Nice sweater. I like sleeves knit in place seamlessly.


Sometimes it pays to read the Ravelry threads. :joy: I think I found the answer to my own question (buried DEEP in the questions). OY!

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So… just a really complicated way of saying pick up stitches skipping a certain number of stitches? Yes?

Yes, that’s it.
Because stitch width is different to stitch height you can’t pick up in every stitch if you are on a vertical or diagonal edge. You can pick up in every stitch along a horizontal edge because the size is the same.
Where it says 1st every 2 rows it is pick up, Miss a row, pick-up, miss a row.Where it says 2sts every 3 rows then pick up, pick up, miss a row.


@Creations, Thank you! Yes, I see that now. It was just worded strangely (to me). :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I think some patterns just say pick up x amount evenly which leaves it up to the knitter to work out how to space them, it expects a certain skill level or amount of experience to know that the diagonal or vertical pick up won’t be in every hole - it seems to me the pattern you are working from has some additional detail on this to help get the spacing right but unexpected additional detail can be confusing.
It’s such a nicely designed sweater, I’m not surprised the designer wants to be specific about where to pick up.

Hopefully you’re on track now.


Thank you for weighing in. It’s a gorgeous cardigan and, yes, additional, albeit confusing to me, instructions. Got it now. Finally realized the “rows” referred to those in the body of the piece and not the as yet knitted sleeve. Learning as I go.


Thank you everyone. Your help is invaluable. On my way. :two_hearts:


You certainly are! That looks wonderful. Well done.

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Looking good!
That little cable up the seam and inner sleeve is a lovely detail.

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Nicely done! Your sleeve looks fantastic. Sometimes a sleeve worked directly into the armhole opening can look sloppy but you so avoided having that happen. Excellent.


Thank you, ladies. Could not do this without my tribe! I’m pretty enamored with this pattern. So many lovely details.


Actually the author was very considerate to actually tell you how many stitches to pickup per number of rows. I’ll have to take a good look-see at this pattern. Usually one has to count the rows knitted and then do the math to scatter picked up stitches, evenly of course, around the armhole, neckline, etc. What you have is a simple ratio, the tells you that for every 3 rows, you will pick up and knit 2 stitches (or put another way, pick up and knit a stitch in the next two rows, the skip a row.
I am certain someone else has explained this much better than I did.


Thank you, and, yes, she did. I’m a relatively new knitter so it confused me, but once I understood what she was saying, I agree, very clear instructions. It was definitely the knitter’s fault not the designer’s.