Picking up stitches for collar

There is a big difference between a practice piece and actually doing it on your finished garment !!

Having said that, I’m looking at the front and back of my sweater, joined at the shoulder seams and wondering how I’m ever going to pick up the stitches from that raggedy edge and have the seam look nice, not all bumpy and lumpy.

I pick up the stitches with the RS facing but what covers that terrible looking edge?? The collar itself?

I’ve looked at a gazillion videos and read hundreds of online how to’s and I still feel unprepared to do this and have it look nice.

I’m hoping someone here can share their wisdom with me.

Thanks in advance for your help. :knitting:

Yes, the collar covers the edge. The only thing you’ll see is the nice even edge of the picked-up stitches.

And don’t get in a panic. If you don’t like the way it comes out, there’s no harm in pulling it out and doing it over. You’ll just have some stretched spots from the first pick-up which will even out with washing.

Well, the collar really does cover up a great deal of uneveness. I’m always impressed at how good the edge looks when you pick up sts and start to knit. If this is a turtleneck or crew collar, the seam will be to the inside and it’s going to be hidden. Pick up about one st in from the edge so that the seam is not too bulky and I think you’ll be fine.

Sorry to bother you all with this again…but…I picked up the stitches with the RS facing me, knitted the collar and the jagged edge is there for all to see.

“With RS facing beg in center of buttonhole band, pick up approx 46 sts around neck edge.”

It’s not a crew or turtle neck it’s like the collar on a blouse so it lays on the RS of the sweater.

Thanks for any help.

If you’re picking up with the RS facing you, the pick up edge will be to the WS. The collar may fold over a couple rows above the neck edge and should cover it. How long have you worked it? If you’ve just picked up and knit a row or two, work a couple inches and see how it looks then.

“It’s not a crew or turtle neck it’s like the collar on a blouse so it lays on the RS of the sweater.”

If the collar is going to fold over the neck edge of the sweater, I always pick up with the [I]WS[/I] facing no matter what the instructions say. That way, the collar rolls over the jagged edge and hides it. Then, the only part of the neck edge that shows perhaps, is from the bind off of sts at the front center.

That’s what I’m in the process of doing now. I figure no harm no foul I can always rip it out again.

Thanks for taking the time to help.