Picking up stitches for 1st time

Hi all, I’m picking up stitches for my sleeves, the patterns instructions are:
‘With MC, larger needles, RS facing, and beg at corner of the armhole notch(not including the armhole BO STS) pick up and knit 54 STS evenly spaced along the armhole to the shoulder seam.’
I’m not entirely sure where to begin picking up stitches, including photos for reference.

Do I begin at the corner part that is jutting out or do I begin at the vertical part?
Many thanks!

Begin after the initial armhole bind off. See the short blue arrow pointing at the corner then pick up along the armhole opening (long, wavy blue arrow).

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the wrong way around for picking up with right side facing? If the knit side is the right side shouldn’t the pick up be on the other edge of the armhole? Up the other edge to the shoulder then down this edge that is in the photo?

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You’re right. It’s not the usual way to pick up sts. Of course, you can do it either way depending on whether the next row is a RS or WS row. If you’re knitting in the round however, you would definitely want to pick up from the opposite end but still in the corner after the armhole bind off.

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Hi thank you for your responses, I successfully picked up and knitted one sleeve however I may have made an error whilst picking up the second sleeve. My pattern reads to knit a row after picking up, then to begin a 10/1 rib pattern which begins on a RS. However after doing the knit row I seem to be on the WS. Is there any way to rectify this or do I need to start again and pick up from a different side? Thanks

This is my successful sleeve, thanks to the guidances above😀

The sleeve looks terrific. Nicely done.
Add in another WS row in the 10/1 rib pattern. An extra row more or less isn’t going to make a difference and it’s preferable to re-doing the pick up row.

Thank you! Do you mean I do the first row of the 10/1 rib pattern [(RS) *P10,k1; rep from * to last 10 sts, P10.]
On the wrong side and just carry on as the pattern directs?

Or do you mean I do the wrong side row pattern [(WS) *k10,P1; rep from * to last 10 sts, k10.
Then carry on to do the RS and so on

Work the WS row so that is matches the other sleeve’s WS row. You want the pattern on the two sleeves to match.