Pick up stitches on right side then knit on right side??

Hi! Beginner Knitter here and first post. I am making the pattern “Ribbed To Your Measure” by Lacey Williamson. It is a ribbed tank top and I have knit the back panel. Now I am picking up the right strap.

The pattern says:
With the right side of the back panel facing
you, pick up (but don’t knit them yet) 12
(12, 12, 12) 12 [16, 16, 16] 16 (16, 16) sts
from the top right of the cast on edge.

Then it says:
Size 28 (x, x, 40) x [x, x, x] x (x, x): With
the RS facing you, Sl1K, K3, P2, K2, P1,
K2, Sl1K

I am so confused by this. If I am picking up stitches on the right side, right to left from the cast on edge, isn’t the next row a WS? Help!! I’ve been lost for days!

Welcome to the forum!
Start the pick up at the top right of the cast on.
Pick up sts with the right side facing but this is a case for simply picking up not pick up and knit.
If you pick up and knit the next row would be a WS row but in this case you just pick up. You could work the next row from either end, RS or WS.

See about 2:30min here:

or see here especially at about 2:30min.

Are you working this strap with double points or a circular needle?


Thank you so much for responding so quickly!! I am working with a circular needle. Would I just slide it down to the other side to knit the RS?

Exactly what I was thinking. Slide the sts down, attach a new strand of yarn leaving a 4-6inch tail and start knitting. Have fun with this project!

Wow, that makes so much sense. Thank you so much!! You’re a lifesaver.