Is there a useful video that someone can recommend to help me pick up dropped stitches? I had to undo 6 rows of knitting the other day and all I wanted to do was pick up 2 stitches in garter stitch. I tried to follow a video but it only helped for one row and it didn’t show how to pick up purl stitches in alternate rows.
Thank you.
Pick up dropped stitch in middle of row.
Do you mean garter stitch rather than stockinette?
Stockinette is all knit stitches on the right side row. A dropped stitch can be worked up the ladder as knits all the way up. You don’t need to turn the work for the alternate row which is purled on the wrong side, you can stay on the right side working the stitch up the knit side ladder.
Garter stitch produces alternate rows, viewing the right side row it presents as a row of knit and a row of purl. Is this what you needed to pick up? Worked from the right side it would be a knit row, a purl row, a knit row, a purl row.
Personally I prefer to pick up a dropped stitch on the knit side. If I am on a purl side I save the stitch with a removable marker, turn my work over to the knit side and work it up the ladder from that side, working each ladder yarn knit wise.
I’m sure someone will link a helpful video for you, i just wondered if there was a confusion over the type of fabric you are making and if you knew you could just work the knit side to fix the dropped stitch.
Knit to where the dropped stitch is. Put needle point protectors on so no more stitches slip off. If you can try catching the dropped stitch with a locking stitch marker that’s handy.
Then use a repair hook, I have these https://www.knitpro.eu/e/utility-tools/repair-hooks/en to pick up the stitch and work it upwards so you can put it back on the needle.
Here’s a video for stockinette:
and one for garter
I’m sorry that you had to pull out several rows of knitting. Ugh. This will help in future since it does happen.
Hi- thank you so much . Yes, I do mean garter stitch.
Thank you so much.
I am not sure now - it’s one small section of the sleeve of a cardigan. When I’m on the purl side, I have to k1 p1 k1 and the pattern on the right side looks like a ridge. If I don’t pick up the stitches correctly, I lose the ridge.
Ah OK. The photo helps.
So the main stitch is stockinette with a lace pattern. The part you describe could be called rib but it is a small section of rib.
Rib, or the ridge for this pretty detail, is k1 p1 (or in other cases could be k2 p2 or other combination).
All the stitches which look like a V are knit on the right side and purled on the wrong side.
All the stitches which look like a bump or line across or the dipped column on the right side are purled on the right side and knit on the wrong side.
Trying the fix a purl stitch or the column of purl, you can save the stith with a safety pin, turn the work over and fix it as a knit on the other side. When you turn back you will see it produces the purl you need.
Is this clearer? I needed to fix a purl column in my rib the other day. I never get it right on the purl side, i just turn the work over and do it as a knit stitch.
By the way your knitting looks beautiful.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your help.
Thank you very much.