Hello - I’m looking for advice on how to knit the neckline for this jumper pattern, I’m really struggling to understand it as the instructions seem quite minimal and I have never done short row shaping before…any help would be very much appreciated!! I’ve only knitted one jumper prior to this and the instructions were much more detailed in terms of like knit x amount of stitches, put next x on needle holder, decrease 1 at end of each row etc so I’m a bit out my depth with this one…but otherwise loving the pattern so far - the colours are lovely and intarsia is so fun.
This is the pattern: https://www.sweaterscapes.com/downloads/Northern%20Forest.pdf
Im knitting a size small and have 98 stitches case on. There is a chart which shows the shape of the neckline on page 6.
So it says: ‘Begin neck shaping on row 139. We recommend using short-row wrapping for the neck
opening. It eliminates the seam between sweater and neck rib and produces a neck opening with the proper stretch. Illustrated instructions can be viewed at
www.sweaterscapes.com. ’ and there is this page on their website https://www.sweaterscapes.com/shortrok.htm which explains knit and purl row shaping but not where to put these stitches. ’
’ Work up to the row where the neck shaping begins. One side of the neck opening and shoulder will be worked at a time. If you are starting a knit row, follow the directions at the right for knit-row shaping.
If you are starting a purl row, follow the directions for purl-row shaping.
The visible wrap stitches will be eliminated on the first row when finishing the neck.’
Then when it gets onto the neck: 'sew the right sweater shoulder. If short-row wrapping was used for neck shaping - with sweater front facing you, pick up 17(19,21) stitches at right front edge. Knit front neck stitches on the needle from short-row wrapping, hiding the wraps as you knit. Pick-up 17(19,21) stitches and continue knitting stitches on neck back. You should
have 102(110,118) stitches on your needle for the neck rib. ’
So essentially i’m confused about basically what to do when I get to row 139 including whether to cast off the middle few stitches or keep them on a needle holder, where i do these short row stitches and whether I need to put in decreases or not…and trying to follow the chart shape of the neck i just dont get it. Pretty much need the whole thing spelling out for me I dont know where to begin :’(
Sorry if this is really straightforward and for waffling on, any help is massively appreciated!
Thank you! Love from a very confused Ellie x