Pattern help please
Hi I’m looking for some help with this!!!, I’m new to knitting, about a year but can’t seem to move on from hats, snoods & headbands!!!. This is now my 10th knitting pattern I’ve purchased. & I always hit a stalemate!!! Where I can’t move any further. I’m looking all hope with patterns!!!
So I making a the smallest jumper I reach the the 12 row & I’m now confused as to how to progress further
Thanks in Advance
Hi! I understand completely…and sometimes it gets more confusing the more you read it! Haha If I am correct you are knitting the size small jumper if so you are beginning your pattern and you will continue as follows…p13, k2, p4, k2, p4, k2, p4, k2, p4, k2,p13
I hope this helps…it helps me if I remember to stop at each comma and just focus on that step, and you will see a pattern say 4 times and that simply means to repeat that pattern 4 times before moving on to the next step. Happy knitting
Welcome to the forum!
In addition to what Omgrowngirl posted the sequence of decreases is at each end of rows 3,7 and 11. Don’t work the pattern stitch decreases on rows 5 and 11 as given in the 12 pattern rows. Those decreases are now replaced by the ones on rows 3,7 and 11.
If you need more help or if this isn’t clear, just come back and ask. And I bet we can help you with those other 9 patterns too!
There’s lots of help here, you can get past this tricky bit and we can help with any other tricky bits too.
I seriously don’t get it!!! So row 12 was p13 etc etc sequence, which I’ve done but I don’t see how another bobble is going to be made like in row8. Also so all my rows bow have the P13 etc, etc sequence!!! God I’m so confussed
Once you’ve finished row 12 you’ve completed the 12-row pattern once through. Now start with row 1 again and proceed through the pattern rows 1-12 again. When you do that, work decreases at the ends of rows 3,7 and 11. You will no longer work decreases on rows 5 and 11 which were part of the pattern rows the first time through. You’ll still be able to work the bobble on row 8.
The stitches in stockinette at each end of the pattern rows will change because you are decreasing a stitch on each edge in some rows. When you repeat row 1, k13 at the beginning and end of row. On row 2, p13 at the beg and end. On row 3 you will work a decrease at each end. You will want to keep the cables aligned however. Use that as a guide.
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
King Cole pattern number 3823
Cute as could be. Yes, the cables and bobbles should line up even though the number of sts on either side edge will change with the decreases. Maybe placing markers on either side of the RS purl sts at the edges of the center panel will help. Just work in stockinette to the center panel marker and then continue stockinette after you’ve worked that center panel.
Hey, just thought I’d give you an update, I made it pass that section (7*) . Thank you so much to those that helped me. Onto the next bit. 1 bit that is worrying me, a bit is decending 8 stitches evenly on the same row as I’m worried about my pattern:disappointed:. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Good going to get this far!
So you need to decrease 8sts evenly on one row? Can you quote the row here? What part of the sweater is this, sleeve, front, back? It may be because you are changing stitch pattern.
Here’s a calculator for decreasing (or increasing) evenly across that may help. There are several online.
The decrease of 8 sts is at the top of the raglan armholes and ends working this section with slipping the remaining 16 stitches onto a holder or thread. When you go back to these stitches you will be working the ribbing for the neck band.
You can do the even decrease which is what is asked for.
Personally I’d look at the stitches and see if I could decrease in the purl sections alone because I like cables to run into ribbing if possible, rather than being interrupted. It’s a little more challenging to work it out but looks nice if it’s possible. If necessary I’d change the rib pattern in the neckband too, to make it work, but that is a modification too far for some.
Me again!!!
Raglan armhole shapping
So I have 26 stitches left need 24. I have 1 st either side of my pattern panel. I have been decreasing on a knit row- hope that’s right. This will be the last decrease before I do the big 8. I’m on the 7th row I need to knit 2 tog, but I have 1Knit before the Purl what do I do? Do I purl 2 instead. Perhaps this isn’t making much sense!!! I’m just as confused
It depends on what is going to happen next but I usually decrease so that the knit stitch is on top of the decrease. A ssk will put the knit on top of the purl.
Hi all, just thought I’d give you an update. Well things did not work out:cry:, i had to unravel the back, & start again. Got completed frustrated & given up for now. On a plus I have 2 arms & half a back
You’re halfway there! It’s frustrating to have to put a project in time-out but sometimes that’s for the best. You’ll get back to it because it’s such a lovely sweater.
Lifelines may help save some of the knitting when you start again.
Hey, just an update!!! I ended up knitting 2 arms & 2 backs , got a bit carried away. So had to undo some off the stitches to follow the instructions for the front. Now I’m stuck please help. I’m at the bit where I need to shape the neck. I’ve got 26stitches on my needle
Well, a small set back but now you’re on to the front. The next directions separate the sts for the two shoulders and bind off the front of the neck.
So K1, work the decrease, work in pattern across 6sts then cast off the next 8sts. Then work in pattern across 5sts, k2tog, k1. That leaves you with 24sts, 8 on each shoulder.
Turn and work across one shoulder to the neck edge, work 2 tog. (you’ll get to the other shoulder later). The neck edge is next to the cast off sts.
If you call the following row, row 1 then you’ll dec at the side or armhole edge on row 1 and row 3. Decrease at the neck edge on rows 1 and 3. There will be 3 sts remaining. Dec at the side edge on row 5 then end with a wrong side row, turn and k2tog. You can cut the yarn leaving about a 6inch tail.
See how this goes and come back when you’re ready to work the other shoulder.
Thank you but this isn’t making any sense at all which pattern I’m I following now!!! It can’t be the one I was because there isn’t enough stitches because of the previous decrease so the pattern isn’t there. Also I don’t know if I’m to do a knit or purl as I’m only going to knit a few before casting off 8. It makes no sense to me. Sorry
You’re almost there!
It may help to look at the pattern photo to see which section you are working.
I’ve marked it up:
Red line, depending how wide the cable panel was and how you decreased the 6 sts in this section, this is most likely the 8 you bind off for the neck. Work out where the centre 8 stitches are and perhaps mark them. If the cable does run a little wider than the 8 then the extras will be the ones decreased on the following rows. Once you have the centre 8 marked you can see which of the remaining stitches need to be knit or purled to keep your other cable pattern aligned.
Blue line, this is the section you need to keep in pattern, you are correct there are only a small number of stitches.
Green line, this is the position of the final 2 stitches which are worked together and then tied off.
You’re working this small triangle between the blue and green line. If you have enough stitches to do a cable cross then you can do it, if not just do knits for the cable stitches, purls for the back ground stitches.
It is sometimes easier to identify the stitches by looking from the centre stitch, out towards the arm, rather than trying to figure out what the first stitch of the row is. Once you’ve identified them you will find it easier to work.
Just a few rows to go!
Creations drawing is very helpful for visualizing the sts. As far as the pattern stitches go you should follow the pattern that you’ve established in the previous rows as much as you can. The decreases are going to eat into the pattern so you may only be able to purl across the shoulder sts. It’s similar to the way the raglan sts have already eaten into the pattern on each side of the front.
It may help to use markers before you start the neck shaping. Mark off the center 8sts which will be bound off. Then you can see the 8sts each side for the shoulders.
The bind off will leave one stitch remaining on the right needle which is accounted for in the directions for the right shoulder sts (right as you would wear the sweater).