Pattern help please :)

I am working on my first slip over project. I’ve only ever made a scarf, but wanted to challenge myself. It’s all been going okay until I got to a part of the pattern and im honestly not sure what it means… I have googled and YouTubed it with no success!

Can anyone help- what do the pattern mean by Work decreases for the neckline. Any advise is very welcome :heart:

It’s great you’re making your first slipover, it’s good to learn new knitting skills.

I don’t know which size you are making so will use the smallest size as example.
This section begins to shape the neck. The row is worked part way across by knitting 22 as usual.
Then bind off the next 7 stitches which will be the centre of the neck.
Binding off takes uses 2 stitches to bund off one stitch so when you have bound off 7 you have already worked (knitted) the next stitch and this counts as the first stitch after the neck space.
Finish the row by working the next 21 sts knitting as usual. The pattern says 22 but 1 has already been worked during the bind off.

This row is now complete and on your right needle you have some stitches, a gap and some stitches. From here on you only work this second set of stitches which the working yarn is already attached to.
The other stitches can just sit on your needle but don’t work them. If you prefer you can transfer them to a holder. You will come back to these later.

Turn Work.
Purl across the wrong side of the right shoulder (right as you wear it).
Turn and begin the shaping decreases on the right side row. You will work these only on the right side row. Start counting the rows now, decreases will be rows 1 3 5 7 9 11 13.
After each right side row Turn and purl back the wrong side.

The decrease row is described k1, k2tog tbl, k to end.

Later on you will return to held stitches and will need to reattach your yarn for that side.

I hope this helps. If its still unclear or you get stuck again do ask.