I am typically over on the knitting pages, however, I am looking for a pattern for a crocheted mallard that “poops” jellie beans. My great aunt used to make them for Easter - unfortunately the pattern was lost in a house fire and she doesn’t remember where she got it from. He was really cute and I so want to make some !!
Pattern for a pooping mallard? - GOT IT
(sorry I’m not much help, but that is too funny!!)
ETA-Oh shoot, I didn’t meant to laugh about the house fire-I’m sorry!!
I found this at www.hipforums.com
this is the cutest/kitchiest thing… you fill it up with little candies and squeeze it to make it poop
Crochet Jelly Bean Duck
http://crafterscommunity.com/Graphics/jellyduck.jpg Materials:
1 - 3oz. skein Red Heart 4 ply yarn, Sugar and Spice. (Main Color) MC
1 - 3oz. skein Red Heart 4 ply green yarn (Contrast Color) CC
2 - 10mm wiggly eyes.
Small amount of orange baby yarn, for bill
Small amount of white 4 ply yarn, for tie
Size F crochet hook
Row 1: ch 4 with MC, join with sl st to form ring.
Row 2: ch 2, 5 puff stitches (ps) with ch 1 between in ring, join with sl st in top of begining ch 2.
A puff stitch (ps) is yo, insert hook in ring, yo pull up a long loop, repeat 4 times, (9 loops on hook) yo pull through all loops on hook, join with sl st.
Row 3: sl st into ch 1 space, ch 2, (ps, ch 1 and ps, ch 1) in each ch 1 space around. Join with sl st in begining ch 2. (10 puff stitches).
Row 4: sl st in ch 1 space, ch 2 ( ps in space, ch 1, ps, ch 1, ps in next ch 1 space, ch 1) Repeat ( ) around, join with sl st in top of begining ch 2. ( 15 puff stitches )
Row 5-11: sl st into ch 1 space, ch 2 ( ps, ch 1 ) in each ch 1 space around. Join with sl st in top of ch 2.
Row 12-13: ch 3, dc in each ch 1 and ps around (30 dc) join with sl st. Fasten off after row 13.
Row 1: With MC, fasten thread between 11th and 12th row, ch 3, ( make 11 dc across ) ch 3 turn. Repeat ( ) once for another row. Fasten off. Attach CC and sc in each dc across, Fasten off.
Make a ch 60 st of MC and CC held together. Thread through row 13 of body, pull, tie in bow on top of row. This is where you will fill it with jelly beans.
Row 1: ch 4, (CC) join with sl st to form ring.
Row 2: ch 2 (ps, ch 1, ps, ch 1 ) Repeat ( ) once 4 puff stitches. Join with sl st.
Row 3: ch 2 (ps, in ch 1 space, ch 1, ps in same space ch 1). Repeat 3 more times ( 8 puff stitches around ). Join with a sl st.
Row 4: sl st in ch 1 space, ch 2, ps in same space ( ch 1, ps, ch 1, ps, ch 1 in next ch 1 space, ps, ch 1, in next ch 1 space ) Repeat ( ) around (12 puff stitches). Join with a sl st.
Row 5-6: sl st into ch 1 space, ch 2, and ps in same space. ( ch 1 ps ) in next ch 1 space. Repeat around join with sl st.
After ending row 6 fasten off leaving 8 inches of thread. Stuff head and gather head thru row 6 and sew on top of body.
Row 1: With orange baby yarn, ch 2, 4 sc in 2nd chain from hook. Join with sl st.
Row 2: 2 sc in each st around (8 sc) join.
Row 3-6: 1 sc in each st around. Join. Fasten off leaving an 8 inch thread, cut cardboard to fit in bill. Sew on head with 8 inch thread.
Make a ch of 55-60 st and tie around neck with bow.
Untie bow in tail and fill with jelly beans. Tie bow so that jelly beans can be pushed through the hole when you squeeze the duck.
Thank you very much ! I have been googling for this pattern on and off for a year.
Now if I could just learn to crochet I’d be all set for Easter gifts.