Pattern difficulty understanding term Kk

Hi, I have a pattern where I can’t understand Row 9: what does double-sts, Kk 8 mean? The double sts I can do but Kk 8? Would that make 16 stitches? Could it be a typo? I am knitting Baby Cardigan “Honey Bunny” by Easy Knitting Camp but not so easy for me. Please help if you can or know the pattern.

Hmm, it could be a typo.

Does the pattern have a list of abbreviations, and is “Kk” in there?

If it’s not too much trouble, could you upload a photo just of that section of instructions, or type out a couple of lines and tell us which bit of the pattern it is (e.g. front, back).

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for including your pattern name.

Thanks for replying kushami, I have cast on 68 stitches of waste yarn and am doing a ninth row of short rows which lead to the Raglan and body of hooded cardigan. Hopefully this image of part pattern sends.

Is your pattern online? I haven’t been able to find anything that seems to be what you’re working on. Based on the available information here I think it’s a typo. If you were to be increasing the instruction should be something like *k1, m1 or whatever increase you’d be using.

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Thankyou I decided to have a go at assuming it is a typo and it seems to be working out okay. I think in a lot of cases for knitters who are learning at the end of rows or sections, to know how many stitches you should have can help. As it is I now have a book to write down the pattern and tick off as I proceed. Thankyou again for your help. I’m going to be a grandmother for the first time and this is my first try at knitting something. This site is invaluable.


I’m afraid the image didn’t load, but if it is working out okay reading that abbreviation as “knit”, then that’s great!

Having a stitch count is very helpful. It’s good if the pattern supplies one, but making your own works too.

Feel free to come back and ask more questions if you need to. Happy knitting!

Thanks kushami, I’m sure I may need help further into the pattern but hoping my skill will grow as the pattern does. I am enjoying the challenge!