OK, so maybe the 97th cat wasn't such a good idea

my dh has put calls in to various programs. I can get his neutering (the cat’s, not dh’s although some days i’m tempted LOL!) and his shots for $85.

He goes the week after christmas.

The problem is that the department of agriculture has guidelines set up about cats being wild so most animal control officers have no jurisdiction over the cats until they’re severely sick or injured. Thor (the male cat…) I can’t understand why someone would dump him off in our neighborhood. He was too well taken care of to be a stray (we left him outside overnight while the weather was still nice… he stayed in our yard for over 3 days and wouldn’t leave. Even now when we let him out on the nice days he goes off to play but always comes running when i pull in the driveway with the kids…). He’s such a sweetie. I swear, there’s got to be something wrong with people that can do this to animals…

Right now he’s in the office w/ dh while dh is working (warm fleece blankets folded up on the floor to lay on, space heater running to keep the office warm, food and water… the pic is of him).

We’re still looking for a home for him. he’ll be the 5th animal (2 dogs, 3 cats thus far) that I’ve “rescued” and found a home for. I put my foot down as to how many will stay with us… the 5 girls are rescues… we have 1 cat per person living in the house full time, that’s plenty :slight_smile:

The thing that’s wrong is they need the *&^%$#@! kicked out of them!:!!!:

Some sorry SOB dumped a lovely longhaired silver tabby kitten on the side of the highway that runs in front of my house about 6 weeks ago. My son found it hiding under the bridge in the driveway. It was so rainy and muddy that with that long hair he would’ve been filthy if he had been an outdoor kitty–but he was very, very clean. What steamed me was that the poor terrified thing was dehydrated and half-starved! He had been indoors somewhere and some worthless excuse of a person couldn’t be bothered to just feed him (when I gave him some food he started gobbling so fast that he choked).:grrr:

Gutsy little devil was here all of 24 hours and spied our humongous german shepherd lying down–walked right up and sniffed his face (Karl could’ve eaten him in 2 bites). He now likes to play with the dog, tries to coax my arthritic old red chow to play, and is running some of the extra weight off our 4yo orange tabby (who really enjoys it but acts embarassed if he catches us watching).

Especially when there are organizations out there that specifically help place unwanted cats. Most Petsmarts have adoption programs through the Jr. Humane Society or private cat rescue groups. We had to place a very unhappy cat once (she really needed to be a single cat living with someone who was home all the time - she didn’t like other cats, children or being alone) They helped us find the perfect home for her with an older couple who had no other animals. She was a SWEET cat, but very unhappy with us. They really don’t ask questions when you say you need help placing a cat.

The bottom line is people need to get their animals fixed. One thing I hear all the time is, “It’s all right for our cats to have kittens, we’ll just give them to the SPCA and they’ll find homes for them”. Well, our local shelter gets hundreds of cats every year, and we are just a small rural area. The problem is not usually with the cats, it’s with the brainless idiots who own and abuse them.

CountryKitty, that’s how Thor was… severely dehydrated and starving… yet his coat showed that he’d been someone’s pet until recently.

hocns, i agree. it’s that mentality that’s the problem. Hence why we keep thor separated from the females (amazing how well doors work!) until he’s fixed (week after christmas if things go right). our animal shelters up here are over flowing and can’t help out.

It is funny to watch him play with the girls though (hang on…)

see, Thor likes to be in the office with dh while dh is working. The office door is one of those old ones with the 7 by 12 inch glass panes in it (5 panes high by 3 panes wide)… thor was on one side, arwen, guen, and yasha on the other… there’s a black curtain on dh’s side to provide him with privacy while he works from home…

Thor was laying down on the office side just out of sight… he’d wait for yasha or guen to get right up to the glass then pop up and scare the crap out of them.

Miss Arwen watched from the chair and had a huge smile on her face… I think IF he stays here, they’ll get along well after a period of adjustment.

Good luck with Thor’s operation. We had three brothers neutered at one time, and they were sent home in preemie diapers with a hole for the tail. I don’t think my daughters have gotten over it yet, every so often one of them will come out with “remember when when Rascal (or whoever) came home in a diaper?” and go off in gales of laughter. Poor cats.