my dh has put calls in to various programs. I can get his neutering (the cat’s, not dh’s although some days i’m tempted LOL!) and his shots for $85.
He goes the week after christmas.
The problem is that the department of agriculture has guidelines set up about cats being wild so most animal control officers have no jurisdiction over the cats until they’re severely sick or injured. Thor (the male cat…) I can’t understand why someone would dump him off in our neighborhood. He was too well taken care of to be a stray (we left him outside overnight while the weather was still nice… he stayed in our yard for over 3 days and wouldn’t leave. Even now when we let him out on the nice days he goes off to play but always comes running when i pull in the driveway with the kids…). He’s such a sweetie. I swear, there’s got to be something wrong with people that can do this to animals…
Right now he’s in the office w/ dh while dh is working (warm fleece blankets folded up on the floor to lay on, space heater running to keep the office warm, food and water… the pic is of him).
We’re still looking for a home for him. he’ll be the 5th animal (2 dogs, 3 cats thus far) that I’ve “rescued” and found a home for. I put my foot down as to how many will stay with us… the 5 girls are rescues… we have 1 cat per person living in the house full time, that’s plenty