This is a Free Pattern from Ravelry For some reason, I am not ending up with the right amount of stitches after all of the increases. I am increasing before and after all markers. I cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong .
Oh Baby! Cardigan
Is this it?
There is a note at the bottom of the page about stitch count, could that be the answer?
No This doesn’t help me at all. I’m an experienced knitter, and frustrated because I am not ending up with the right amount of stitches after all the increases I am 4 stitches short after repeating rows 6-9 I am making the 6 month size, and should have 166 stitches, but only have 162. I’ve ripped the sweater out , and started again, but still running 4 stitches short after the increases.
You said you are increasing before and after all markers, is there a chance in some of those row 6 to 9 repeats you might have forgotten that the row B repeat has another 2 increases? 10 increase rather than 8 in that row. If you missed those a couple of times it could account for the 4 stitch difference between what you have and what you need.
What do you think?
Thanks for getting back to me I could have made that mistake I’ve gone over those directions so many times Do you think I should rip it out and start all over again?
Steve you are probably more experienced than I am, I was just fresh eyes on the pattern to see if I could spot what may have happened.
Can you read the fabric and see if those stitches are missing from the row B repeat and if so, how far down should they have been? It may help you decide whether to pull out, tink or leave it.
4 stitches isn’t much, it’s not going to make all that much difference to the size is it? How about tink back a few rows and put in the extra increases, 1 at each end of the row twice to make up the 4 stitches before proceeding to the next section?
Definitely don’t rip it back and start again! In the next section, the sleeves are separated from the body. Count how many sts you have in each section. There are stitch counts given in the pattern (plus sts for the buttonhole band). See where you’re missing stitches and add them in, under the arm if possible. It’ll be more than fine.
Thank you salmonmac
Thank you I actually did increase 2 stitches at the both armholes ,so I’m probably ok, as you said, 4 stitches isn’t going to make a huge difference in size. I appreciate your getting back to me so much.