I do not like using circular needles. I far prefer straight needles but am not sure how many stitches to cast on straight needles. A pattern for a cardigan calls for 230 stitches to be cast on circular needles for both the front and back at once. So how many of these 230 do I cast on for back and both fronts separately?
# of cast-on stitches on straight needles
What is the name of the pattern you’ve chosen?
If you read on in the pattern there is likely an instruction to place markers for the 2 fronts and back. This will give a stitch count for each section. I would use that number and add an additional stitch at each edge that will be seamed.
Many thanks!!! I hope this works for the patterns I have been itching to try.
You’re welcome.
Have you been using the Bamboo Circular Needles as they are the best and easiest to work with - I also have the straight Bamboo needles - Cheers
I feel you! I have been knitting steadily now for about seven years and for the first 2 I refused to use circular needles. It just felt too complicated and I worried about joining with twisted stitches, etc. Lo and behold, I ventured into experimenting with circulars (going slowly and starting with a hat) and discovered that A) it wasn’t more complicated; it was DIFFERENT and B) I loved how it eliminated seaming and enabled me to knit larger projects more comfortably because the work sits on the cables instead of weighing on the needles. Lastly, circulars can be used to knit flat, so they can be used for ANY pattern. This is by way of a gentle suggestion to give a simple hat a try and perhaps discover the same benefits to circulars I have.
Hi, many thanks, Claudia. I am 82 and do not have much earthly time left to get used to knitting with circular needles. I have been knitting off and on since I was 13.
I like knitting flat on circular for the reason it is longer so can hold heaps of stitches but the ends of the needles are not weighed down by the fabric. I can’t lift much.
I agree with being comfortable with what you are used to though!
It sounded like you had a good few patterns you fancied knitting flat rather than in the round. Once you have chosen your project you can post a line or two from your pattern to check on the stitch count. We’re very happy to help.
There are also some good video tutorials on almost every topic. If you like learning from videos we could find a suitable one for you?
Kudos to you for keeping up knitting for so very long; I am 68 (almost 69) and only started about 7 years ago. I wish I had discovered it way earlier, but however long I have left, I know I will enjoy it that much more because of knitting and because of the community of knitters I have met on this forum.
Pleased to meet you!