Not understanding the pattern.

Hi! I’m somewhat of a beginner to knitting, and I’m having trouble understanding some of the pattern I’m following.

The pattern:
Cast on 74(78:86:90:98) sts using US 3 (3.25mm) needles.
1st row (right side) K2, *p2, k2, rep from * to end.
2nd row P2, *k2, p2, rep from * to end.
These 2 rows form rib.
Work in rib for a further 6 rows, dec(inc:dec:inc:dec) 1 st at
end of last row and ending with a wrong side row.
| 73(79:85:91:97) sts.
Change to US 6 (4mm) needles.
Starting with a k row work 20(22:24:26:28) rows in st st,
ending with a wrong side row.

I don’t understand this part:
(B) Work in rib for a further 6 rows, dec(inc:dec:inc:dec) 1 st at
end of last row and ending with a wrong side row. (/B)

Any guidance would be appreciated!

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Which size are you making?

The pattern wants you to either increase or decrease by one stitch according to the size you are making. And it wants you to do that on the last row of the 6 further rows of ribbing, which will be a wrong side row.

After you have done that, you should have a total of 8 rows of ribbing, your stitch count should correspond to one of “73(79:85:91:97)” according to the size you are making, and you will be ready to change to 4mm needles as you start the main part of the hat with a right-side knit row.


ohh my gosh I have no idea why I didn’t understand that!! Thank you so much!

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You are most welcome, and don’t worry, we all get stuck on instructions sometimes.

We’d love to see a picture of your hat when it’s finished, or just let us know how it turns out :slight_smile:

Happy knitting!

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