Not enough wool

Help Ive nearly finished a bolero I’m knitting for my granddaughter and I could of sworn I had the right amount of wool.but I’ve not got enough I’m about a 1/4 up the sleeve then I would be finished. The wool is from pound shop but they don’t seem to have it anymore is there anything I can do?

You could try Googling the yarn. Sometimes Ebay has odd lots of yarn for sale. Also try Ravelry which lists the yarn.
Over to the right is a link to “Stashes”. You can seach there for your color or dye lot.
If you find the same yarn and the lister is willing to sell or trade it, you can alternate your dye lot with the new yarn to minimize an abrupt color change.
Good Luck!


Oh dear. I hate when that happens. Could you maybe use another color and do the sleeves to match using both colors on both sleeves? I’ve even seen sleeves that don’t match at all and looked good. How well either would work would depnd on what your granddaughter likes. My grownup granddaughter is of the opinion that life’s too short to bother matching socks so she’d have no problem with it. I’d ask first just the same.

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Thank for the replies I checked raverly and googled even got in touch with pound shop but no luck as yet think I will have to go with two toned or a close match

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I’m sorry to hear that. At least you’ve tried. What is the color and dye lot that you’d like to find?

I am seeing quite a few in stock on the pound shop website, etsy and ebay, to buy online. Are you in the UK?
What is the colour name and dye number?

Quick response sorry snowed under at work yes in the uk

There are several lots on ebay UK, here’s one


And the pink is in stock on the poundland site

My first search results showed the yarn out of stock on pound land but within the shop website if you search yarn it is there in stock. I checked I could add to basket and could.

The dye lots are not likely the same although you could message the ebay sellers to ask. The ebay yarns have had the price bumped up, more like £3 - £5 per ball rather than £1

There were also some on etsy, again with a price hike.

You knight be able to mix the different dye lot with what you have to make 2 new sleeves.

Good luck