Not An Ordinary Clipboard!

A friend of ours made this for me yesterday and I just love it! It helps me read patterns line by line without getting lost and works perfectly!

He took an ordinary clipboard and some thin sheet metal, purchased from the hardware store. Then he cut the metal so that it covers the front and wraps around the edges of the board on both sides and the bottom. It is formed to the shape of the board. Next, he used reinforced duct tape to cover the edges of the metal on the back. Wha La!!! I had some thin magnetic, 8-1/2" x 11 sheets, found at an office supply store. I cut a strip about 4" to use, big enough to cover lines that follow the line I’m reading. Since I like to make notes when knitting, I stuck a Post It note onto the magnet strip.

Highly functional, simple, portable and cheap!

That’s very clever and looks useful! :thumbsup:

What a neat idea! :slight_smile:

Very cool!

Very neat!!:thumbsup:

Awesome! That’s a very handy friend you have there! :slight_smile:

Good idea!:cheering:

That is a great idea :happydance:

How cool is that!!!