Hello Knitting Friends!
I am so excited and relieved to have found this site.
My name is Christine, 30 years old, Los Angeles native, and knitting newbie.
I grew up in a creative environment, a bridal shop to be exact, and it was pretty much illegal to not be crafty in one way or another.
Knitting was always a curiosity that I had, but I never even tried to pick up the equipment and give it a shot. This was until about a month ago when I dislocated and fractured my elbow, limiting me from my planned trips, working out, and pretty much everything I had taken for granted before having my arm in a cast & splint. Weeks into my injury/recovery journey, I decided I would teach myself a new trick, just something cool that I could add to my armoire of somewhat useful/very likely useless knowledge. I landed on knitting.
Knitting was my choice. With one fully functioning arm, and one in recovery, I went to Michael’s for my beginner’s kit. This has been my favorite impulsive decision yet! I taught myself to start with needles, but my cast gets in the way of the long needles, so I have resorted to loom knitting for now. I did learn to use a loom as a child, but I never felt that I was doing the craft of knitting ANY justice. Now that I must take time off work and have to keep my body in a stable physical position, I figured that this was all great timing. Especially since now I do not have to worry about not having enough money for the holidays due to not working, I can at least give my loved ones a gift of sacrifice! LOL.
Anyways, I am very happy to have found this lovely group of yarn lovers. I am hoping to learn from so many of you crafty, skilled individuals!