New to knitting sweaters, stuck on joining shoulders and knitting neckband

Please help!
I’m new at knitting sweaters and picked a beautiful Newfoundland pullover pattern. I’ve done pretty good until I reached the shoulders and neckband. I can’t figure out how to join the shoulders and continue on with the neckband.

I don’t know which side is being referred to when it states with right side facing of left back shoulder? or with needles aligned ? etc …

I don’t know if there are too many questions here but I just need somewhere to start :?? :?? :??

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

The left side would be as you wear it, so you would hold it with the RS out looking at the back neck or left side of it. I can’t get your word doc to open so you may need to copy the rows where it tells you to join the shoulders and work the neckband.

to join left shoulder: with RS facing and needle point ending up at shoulder edge, slip 40 sts of left back shoulder onto larger needle, slip 40 sts of left front shoulder onto second larger needle. with RS’s together and needles aligned, hold front against back in left hand. Beg at shoulder edge with smaller needle, use yarn to ktog first st from front & first st from back (ktog 1 st from front & 1 st from back, cast off 1 st) to end of row, Fasten off. (replace right for right shoulder)

neckband: with RS facing, MC and smaller needles, pick up & knit 7 sts down right back neck, 23 sts across centre back, 7 sts up left back neck, 23 sts down left front neck, 15 across centre front and 23 sts up right front neck. 98 sts now on needle. Join CC ans work 7 rows of ribbing as given. Fasten off MC. Cast off loosely in ribbing. Fasten off; break yarn, leaving 50 cm tail.

Finish: sew neckband. place markers 28.5 cm down from shoulder seams on front and back; sew cast-off sleeve edges between markers. sew side and sleeve seams. pint to measurements; block

Sorry it’s so long and THANK YOU very much. :help:

Hi and welcome to KH!
RS means the outside or public side of the knitting. The directions are for the 3-needle bind off which is shown in this video and is a wonderful bind off to use, neat and sturdy.
There’s also a video for picking up sts around the neck that may help once you have the RS/WS and left shoulder/right shoulder down.
Gorgeous sweater. It would be lovely to see a photo of your finished version.

Thank you very much! I’m going to give it a whirl … When I manage to finish it, I’ll definetly post a picture. :aww:


I managed to join the shoulder following the video suggested and it was great! Thank you very much … But, now I am going to attempt the neck band and … OMG, I just can’t figure it out? :zombie:

The way I read the instructions, if I pick up 7 sts, the 23 sts from holder, pick up 7 sts from the back and continue to pick up 23 sts down front, add 15 sts from holder and pick up another 23 sts to total 98 sts on my needle, won’t I be knitting the hole for the head closed? :think:

Sorry but I am soooo confused at the moment. Any direction to set me straight would be greatly appreciated.

Picking up stitches around the neck opening won’t close it. You’ll have stitches to begin working flat to form a band across the entire neck opening that will become a circle when you join the right shoulder. Try picking up the stitches as directed to see what happens. Sometimes it makes no sense until you actually do it; I know that’s true for me.

Here’s a nice video that shows picking up sts around a neck that has been joined at both shoulders so the collar is knit in the round. There aren’t sts on holders but you’ll just knit those sts off the holder as if it were the left needle.

Thank you!:woot:

I was wondering about that after I posted my question but I think I’m just overthinking this sweater way too much. :aww:

I’m going to get started on it to see how I manage.

Thanks again.

Thank you very much for the video. It was very informative. I think my sweater will look great once I attempt this. :slight_smile:

i’m sure your sweater will look great. These picked up sts always should so important and intimidating and in fact they turn out quite well. Take it step-by-step and you’ll do fine.

Thanks. It does seem to be coming together nicely. I’ve finished the neckband and both shoulders now come the sleeves. Once again, I don’t quite understand the instructions. :shrug:

It states:
To finish: Sew neckband (done). Place markers 28.5 cm down from shoulder seems on front and back (done).

Sew cast off sleeve edges between markers (???)
Sew side and sleeve seams. (I think I got that)
Pin to measurements; block (???)

OK this is good.
For the sleeves, the 28.5cm mark is showing you where to place the top of the sleeve.You can fold the sleeve in half lengthwise and pin the halfway point of the sleeve top to the shoulder seam. The corner of the sleeve top (where the top of sleeve meets the side edge of the sleeve) should be pinned to the 28.5cm mark on each side. Pin the right sides together and line up the seam between the sweater body and the sleeve along the length from one 28.5 mark to the other with the shoulder pin at the halfway point.